io: "Le Loi et L'Ordre"

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ONE love, blood, life
Oct 2, 2000
I'm so bored that I'm watching "Law and Order" in French on "Radio-Canada" (a.k.a, French-language CBC). Yes, I'm probably one of the 10 people watching this station in good old English speaking Ontario/Michigan.

But I actually love this station. If I put on the closed captioning, I can bone up on my French. Seeing the words makes me understand whatever the hell they're saying. :angry:

That's part of how kids learn to speak, watching tv and stuff. I need to start watching dvds in french. It probably would help me in French if I watched them over... and over... and over...

But I would most likely go insane first.
melon said:
I'm so bored that I'm watching "Law and Order" in French on "Radio-Canada" (a.k.a, French-language CBC). Yes, I'm probably one of the 10 people watching this station in good old English speaking Ontario/Michigan.


Actually, there`s a huge francophone population in Ontario (moi included) but we`probably all watch the english version anyway and only those wishing to brush up on their french watch the overdubbed version. :)
i am presently watching everything in french in order to speed up my language training.
kobayashi said:
i am presently watching everything in french in order to speed up my language training.

I commend you! I know of so many civil servants who try to drag on their language training as long as possible. I used to support a bilingual government but now I'm not so sure...(oops, borderline FYM stuff here, sorry!)
The other day I watched Mars Attacks dubbed in Spanish on HBO Latino. I have seen that movie so many times that I practically have it memorized so I still knew what they were saying.

Certain things didn't translate very well in the dubbed version. The guy who did Jack Nicholson's voice wasn't as good so it didn't seem as funny as the regular version.
my french is very bad, much worse than my spanish. sometimes i watch TV5 and french movies at home. im forced to read french literature for my course.

i prefer spanish
ladywithspinninghead said:

I commend you! I know of so many civil servants who try to drag on their language training as long as possible. I used to support a bilingual government but now I'm not so sure...(oops, borderline FYM stuff here, sorry!)

im not pursuing it hardcore for any political reasons. there is an incentive for myself. getting triple B by the end of this FY will get me a $20 000 raise. if i dont get them, i dont have a job.

actually I had these DVDs of Batman and Buffy and stuff and they had the option to turn on French dubbed versions. Quite amusing, especially everytime The Joker appeared.


I tried learning French from a book but I realised that's not really much of a way to go. I can say 'voila, ma (or is that mon now, i forgot) passeport!'
Doozer61 said:
when i was in Toronto, i was watching cartoons in french. :up:

"Les Aventures de Tintin" came after "Le Loi et L'Ordre." :sexywink:

(Mon petit ami ressemble à Tintin, à cause de son

verte76 said:
That sounds like a fun way of learning French. Maybe I should have tried that way.

I tried it once for a few weeks, watching French CBC. I'm not sure I picked anything up though. Maybe I should have stuck with it longer.
Je recommende Lingo.

Si vous ne regardez pas le programme, vous n'avez pas habité!!!

Le voleur de vie.

verte76 said:
That sounds like a fun way of learning French. Maybe I should have tried that way.

I have 4.5 years of French in HS and college under my belt too. I don't know if I could learn French from scratch this way, but it's a great way to bone up on conversational French (which is my weak point).

Meh. I think it's pretty impressive for an Albertan 5 years removed from usage, non?

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