IO: I'm Announcing My Intent to Consider the Possibly of the Intent of Forming...

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ONE love, blood, life
Oct 2, 2000
...a pre-"exploration committee" committee to run for President in 2016--the earliest I can run, considering antiquated age rules in the Constitution.

So IO-ers, what do you want your future President here to do in office?


You expect me to decide what I want my president to do in 2016?

I dont even know what I want for dinner.
Hmm, how about free beer everywhere and all the time, except for conservative Christians. :p

Hmmmmm, beer... (_8(l)
since i am encouraging this campaign in fym (which i actually posted before i read this thread :ohmy: ), i want a cabinet position.


and i like the beer idea. :up:

and i think you should revoke the citizenship of rush limbaugh, newt gingrich, pat buchanan and john ashcroft.

and college should be free. and healthcare. and shoes. and handbags :angry:
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More money in education, less money in defense, send all the Bushes to their own little island with some toy soldiers so they can play war all they want, Christmas in August (Aug 25 to be exact, but not because it's my birthday or anything :shifty: ), Broadband or DSL connections for everyone,... I know I probably have more but that's all I can think of for now.

Can I stay in the Lincoln Room?
Shorten your non-immigrant visa application forms/procedures and make the visas cheaper (I't will cost me over a bloody EUR 100,-!!!). I just downloaded them ( DS-156, DS-157, DS-158 ) and it seems to me you wanna know more about me than even my own mother knows about me. Or just include independent travellers who don't want to limit their freedom by purchasing a non-refundable exit ticket in advance to your visa waiver progam, which would mean I don't need one. (though an exit ticket to mexico would also mean you can't use the visa waiver program)

Thanking you in advance...
Originally posted by Screaming Flower since i am encouraging this campaign in fym (which i actually posted before i read this thread :ohmy: ), i want a cabinet position.


and i like the beer idea. :up:

and i think you should revoke the citizenship of rush limbaugh, newt gingrich, pat buchanan and john ashcroft.

and college should be free. and healthcare. and shoes. and handbags :angry:

I was with you all the way until those last few items.
I agree with screamer except I want a desk job, and take that how you will :angry:

I am not even a yank. Free air , no boat travel from Sydney to where screamer lives. I want to move in with her and follow her everwhere she goes.

Would you be interested in being the Meggie Party candidate?

edited because I got my party's name wrong
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LarryMullen's_POPAngel said:

Ok Adam you are back to sucking. :tongue:

Don't you want us ladies to look beautiful?

Shoes and handbags don't make a lady beautiful. :evil:

***We interrupt this post with an important message***

This is my 2000th post. *fanfare and confetti*

***You may now carry on with your regularly scheduled posting***

Alright, I'll give you the shoes and handbags if us guys get stereo equipment/electronics for free. :D
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Angela Harlem said:
I am not even a yank. Free air , no boat travel from Sydney to where screamer lives. I want to move in with her and follow her everwhere she goes.


i want australia to become an american colony. and i want their legal nickname to be changed to the kiwis.

and i want angie harlem barred from entering the united states. or at least chicago. and if at any time she is allowed in, i want an electronic device of some kind implanted under her skin so we can track her every move.

Screaming Flower said:

i want an electronic device of some kind implanted under her skin so we can track her every move.

I thought you said "electronic dance" at first. Can we make that part of the implant?
:angry: you wont need to violate my skin with your filthy dirty rotten tracking devices, I will be sleeping on the floor next to your bed.

And I bought NZ for $200 ages ago from a disgruntled kiwi in interf chat, but you can have it for 2-fiddy dollar.

:dance: for meggie and the meggie party
LarryMullen's_POPAngel said:
*kisses you on account of 2000th post :kiss:

Wait a damn minute, I think girls should be allowed free stereo equipment too!!!! :rant:

I guess free shoes wouldn't be too bad for the guys... :sexywink:
I want to wear pajamas everyday to work. I think that the current working world dress code decreases productivity. If we could all wear our PJ's we would be more comfortable and more porductive.

I want the price of gas to go down to 50 cents a gallon

You should make a law that makes people have to take courses, past tests based on those courses and get licenses in order to have chilren.

Polka Dots in clothing should be forever banned. That and white pants. Those sweatpants with "princess" and "angel" written on the butt is also pretty annoying. Mullets need to go on the majority of the mulleted population.
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