IO: I kid you not

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Sizzlin' Sicilian
Staff member
Jan 15, 2001
Bay Area, CA
Our newest client's name at work is:

Richard Cockshott.

Dick Cockshott for short. :lmao:

Like WTF is wrong with his parents?

Damn Canadians :tsk:
the probably didn't get the Parenting course, those poor saps :down:

I'm pretty happy that you're going to have to converse with good ol' Dick tho...think you could post up an mp3 of you calling him, complete with vain attempts not to burst out laughing? cmon!! :hyper:

"..and you are holding for?"

"I'm holding for Cockshott"


"that'd be the one"

"Did you bring the Cockshott portfolio?"
Dick's boss: "Cockshott, what's gotten into your head lately??!?!"

oh, the possibilities....:lol:
I also have a childhood friend named Richard Ball.

Why would you name your kid Richard, when you have a last name like Ball or Cockshott??

here's one of the all time classics;



RedrocksU2 said:
here's one of the all time classics;





Sicy said:
Our newest client's name at work is:

Richard Cockshott.

Dick Cockshott for short. :lmao:

Like WTF is wrong with his parents?

:lmao: Poor guy.

We get some crazy names at my work. Some of them have the unfortune of being born with a weird name others choose to change it to something completely crazy. :lmao:
I worked for a guy named Alan Butts once. It was really difficult to say his name. Mr. Butts....I had to bite my tonge a lot to keep from laughing.

Dick Cockshott tho, that one's a real winner :lmao:
Well I just found out he's not actually Canadian (sorry damn Canadians :cute: )

He's from the UK.
I went to high school with a kid named Richard Burns. He wanted people to call him Dick. I guess why bother fighting it when you can just embrace it?

Then there's the legendary Richard Hertz from Holden, MA. I'd really like to think that he existed, but it could just be a tale of Massachusetts folklore. :sigh:
The funny thing is we have to get him a visa. Like that means I have to type his name like 500 times :lol:
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