IO: Exes are dumb

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I'm trying to still be friends with this one, but his IQ goes down 50 points each time he tries to be friends back. I think he'll be getting the boot soon. :madwife:
LarryMullen's_POPAngel said:
I don't get people who are friends with their exes, except in very rare cases. I really don't.

I usually dont get it either but I dont know what to say, Jim and I are pretty much best friends :shrug:
yep, me and donna too. i am not saying it didn't take any work because it did. plus our love for our shared grandkids helped. another ex, joey, plays golf with me every saturday. in fact she is one of my oldest friends. i have known her for 22 years. :D
LarryMullen's_POPAngel said:
I don't get people who are friends with their exes, except in very rare cases. I really don't.

I think it depends on the circumstances of the break up and whether or not two people are willing to make a friendship work.

I think if a friendship is going to work, there needs to be some time and space before a friendship is attempted.
Bonochick said:

Aren't you an ex too? :wink:

JessicaAnn said:

I think it depends on the circumstances of the break up and whether or not two people are willing to make a friendship work.

I think if a friendship is going to work, there needs to be some time and space before a friendship is attempted.

Exactly, but I think that happens very rarely.

It's like Miranda from Sex & the City says: "I can't be one of those people who says, 'you and I didn't work out, go on, be happy and prosper'. No, it's more like 'you and I didn't work out, you need to not exist anymore.'"
Heh. I tried really hard to be friends with one ex, but it just didn't work out. Of course, had we broken up in an amicable ($2 word! :D) way in the first place, I could see it being a lot easier to remain friends.
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