INTERVIEW Again and Again!

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^:cute: awwwww

I love the smell of the popcorn and the anticipation of the big huge screen and booming surround sound, so life-like, like you are IN the movie!

Yes, the anticipation is probably my favourite thing about it to. It's the whole atmosphere, especially beforehand and especially when it's a huge film you've been waiting to see for ages. Whenever a new Harry Potter film comes out, going to the cinema to see it is AMAZING :hyper:

Are you scared of going to the Dentist?
People who always shout and wave their fists, it's irritating as hell!

people who wait for you to turn at a 4-way intersection, even though it's their turn to turn, so you're both sitting there forever waiting for someone to go (did that make sense?)

same question
People who don't turn right at a red light and there's no sign saying not to turn on red...Grrrrrrr :rant: one of those things people who come to Calif. need to learn!!

People who don't wait for people crossing the street to get to the other side and come speeding down...and grin at you. :angry: It's mostly young men/teenage dudes who do that :madwife:

People who are waiting to turn into traffic (either off a side street or in an intersection turn lane) and they decide to turn out right in front of you. :ohmy:

Nice way for them to cause an accident just because they're in a hurry and not paying attention to the distance between them and other cars.

And then to top it off, they travel like 2 miles an hour once they do pull out in front of you, making you hit your brake to slow down ... oh and then, of course, there's always somebody next to you so you can't go around the slow-poke.

This wouldn't be a problem if some people would learn how to MERGE into traffic correctly. Although, alot haven't figured that out yet. :huh:

oh man, I've got quite a few :lmao:

-cleaning white boards
-cleaning out the candle wax that gets stuck in the menorah :lol:
-cleaning out bottles of lotion and hair gel (you know how gunk always gets stuck in them, and you squeeze the bottle to get some lotion and the dried up gunk of it comes out in your hand :yuck: )

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