If Larry is driving the Discoboos,

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Jul 14, 2001
Inside the Popmart Lemon
does that mean it?s a Stick-shift

"Master of sexual innuendo"

"PLEBA Mansion Bootler"

"Proud member of the U2 gender"
STICK SHIFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! *runs around combusting*
He can drive my disco booooooooos anytime yeeeeeeeeeah baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaby!


THE Larry Mullen Jr Page

[This message has been edited by Mullen-Girl (edited 01-29-2002).]
Originally posted by Mullen-Girl:
STICK SHIFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! *runs around combusting*
He can drive my disco booooooooos anytime yeeeeeeeeeah baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaby!

I hope he?s a better driver than the B-man!

"Master of sexual innuendo"

"PLEBA Mansion Bootler"

"Proud member of the U2 gender"
You know I have a true story about this guy, a friend of mine, who was crossing the street in the middle of Dublin and Bono came raaaaaaaaacing around the corner, with Larry as his passenger and Bono almost ran over my friend and Larry looked out the window and said "Get off the foooookin road ya idiot!" lmao He said he almost broke down crying when he saw his life flash before his eyes. LOL
Tis true...although to answer your question, I think anybody is a better driver than Bono...lol


THE Larry Mullen Jr Page

[This message has been edited by Mullen-Girl (edited 01-29-2002).]
Originally posted by Mullen-Girl:
although to answer your question, I think anybody is a better driver than Bono...lol


how very true!!

"Master of sexual innuendo"

"PLEBA Mansion Bootler"

"Proud member of the U2 gender"
LMAO yeah, that's Larry for ya...oh and he also flipped him the Irish bird LOL
When he told me all I said was "*snif* that's my Larry, i'm so proud of him" lmao


THE Larry Mullen Jr Page

[This message has been edited by Mullen-Girl (edited 01-29-2002).]
Originally posted by Mullen-Girl:
You know I have a true story about this guy, a friend of mine, who was crossing the street in the middle of Dublin and Bono came raaaaaaaaacing around the corner, with Larry as his passenger and Bono almost ran over my friend and Larry looked out the window and said "Get off the foooookin road ya idiot!" lmao He said he almost broke down crying when he saw his life flash before his eyes. LOL
Tis true...although to answer your question, I think anybody is a better driver than Bono...lol

That's crappy about your friend, but at the same time it really funny...

Yes, this is yet another reason why we love Larry!

You will believe in me
And I can never be ignored
Oh don't worry about my friend...he's actually so proud that he almost got killed by Bono and Larry lmao...he tells everybody he meets the same story LOL

And yes it was feckin hilarious


THE Larry Mullen Jr Page

[This message has been edited by Mullen-Girl (edited 01-29-2002).]
Originally posted by Mullen-Girl:
Oh don't worry about my friend...he's actually so proud that he almost got killed by Bono and Larry lmao...he tells everybody he meets the same story LOL

And yes it was feckin hilarious

lmfao What an experiance!

Something to do with politics, kids, freshness, and breakthrough.
And love.

(Joan Baez)

....what's a Bono?
Speaking of being almost being run down by celebrities -

When I first hit London as a student we crammed in all the tourist stuff first and I was so busy looking up at Westminster Abbey that I nearly walked in front of Princess Di's car. A bobby pulled me back by the arm and said. "watch it luv, ya almost got knicked by the princess." I was startled
but my reaction was - if she had hit me (and at the worst it would have been running over my foot)then she most defn would have had to come visit me in the hospital! I'd been on CNN!!

You ain't nothin without a rhythm section.

"Who's to say what it is will break you."
Originally posted by Mullen-Girl:
You know I have a true story about this guy, a friend of mine, who was crossing the street in the middle of Dublin and Bono came raaaaaaaaacing around the corner, with Larry as his passenger and Bono almost ran over my friend and Larry looked out the window and said "Get off the foooookin road ya idiot!" lmao He said he almost broke down crying when he saw his life flash before his eyes. LOL
Tis true...although to answer your question, I think anybody is a better driver than Bono...lol

LMAO at your poor friend...just a question, was your friend crossing the road without paying attention? I think I would have been crying just because Larry gave me the Irish Bird and called me an idiot..

[This message has been edited by MissVelvetDress_75 (edited 01-29-2002).]
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