I Smashed Up My Dad's Car

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Staff member
Nov 17, 2000
Cherry Lane
I wanted to take a daytrip to one of my favorite towns. At about 200 miles into my trip, I had to cross the Mackinac Bridge, which links Michigan's Lower Peninsula to the Upper Peninsula...


Well, while crossing the bridge, I fucked up...and now my Dad's car is all smashed. I had to go to the hospital. I'm on crutches because of a sprained knee, I have a bad abrasion on my collarbone area from my seatbelt, and my body just aches like crazy.

The other car involved? A beautiful Corvette convertible. Ouch. They were an older couple from Indiana, driving up to Mackinac Island to celebrate their 44th anniversary. Double ouch.

The song that was playing when it happened? I kid you not..."Daddy's Gonna Pay For Your Crashed Car". :|

Dad wasn't even mad at me. He was so nice. It took him about 4 hours to get to me. When he walked in my hospital room, the first thing he said was, "Now I don't have to worry about cleaning the bugs off the front of the car!" :laugh: He also said, "Wow...you'll do ANYTHING to get out of paying that bridge toll!" :lol:

Seriously though...I am so damn upset...and now I'm terrified to drive. Dad said he feels bad that I missed out on my trip and that once the car is fixed, I can go take my trip. I'm too scared to though. :sigh:

I still can't believe it happened. After my car stopped, I just stared through the windshield at the hood all crunched up, and it didn't seem real.

After Dad picked me up at the hospital, we went to the place the car had been towed to so we could get my CDs and stuff. I had an open briefcase full of them, and they naturally went flying. Many came out of the cases and are all scratched to hell. I'm scared to even try playing them, for fear of my beloved discs skipping like crazy.

Dad was examining the damage, and he said, "Hey! We still have a headlight left!" He touched it, and it fell out...which set me off crying again...not that that was hard to do. I don't think I have ever cried so much in one day.

How horrible! I had a fender bender in January and the damn car was totalled. I was luckier than you are, I wasn't hurt. Get well soon!:hug:
Dad was examining the damage, and he said, "Hey! We still have a headlight left!" He touched it, and it fell out...which set me off crying again...not that that was hard to do. I don't think I have ever cried so much in one day.

:sad: [/B][/QUOTE]

Awwww! That part about the headlight is funny you have to admitt! I hope you get well soon!

Thank god that nobody got seriously hurt, at least your dad was able to laugh it off. :huh:

Your CDs, odear sorry about them! I hope ur U2 cds wernt in your car. lol. Take care bonochick
Your dad is :up: and jump behind a steering wheel so fast as possable. Beat the fear,...:hug:

Take care.
Thanks, everybody. :hug:

I feel even worse physically today, which the doctors told me would probably happen. I start my new job tomorrow too. Great. :(

This is the mark the seatbelt left on me...ow. It seems I would have gone flying forward pretty badly had it not been holding me back:

OUCH! What an impact! Im glad u ad ur seatbelt on, you could have been VERY worse off!
Im sure you will be fine at ur new job 2morrow! Gud luck! :huh:

I know how folk suffer after a car accident. Don't worry about the car, material things jsut aren't important.

Focus on getting better, rest up well. :hug: :hug:
Yeah, April, it was the Grand Prix. Insurance is providing a rental car for up to 30 days though, which is great because Dad has to take a trip back home this coming weekend.

As for driving...as much as I don't want to, I have to drive tomorrow to start my new job. Dad will be at work, so he won't be able to take me. I'm freaking out. :reject:
Take care. Drive to work, you will be okay. Just set off a little earlier in case you want to make a few little stops along the way.

Maybe try a different song in the CD player eg

"Life is a highway
i wanna ride it all night long
If you're going my way
I want to drive it all night long"

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I'm really sorry to hear about your accident Bonochick. :(

Take comfort in knowing that soon you will be feeling better, physically and emotionally. It's only an accident; it happens to the best of us. I've been scared of driving before too, and it's not a comforting feeling (seeing as how our lives seems to revolve around cars). But the fear will pass... important thing is not to worry. I'm sure you're a very able driver, one accident can't take that from you. :hug:
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:hug: ahh bonochick..sorry to hear about your accident! Your Dad is great about all of this! I hope you heal fast from your injuries! I am so glad it was not worse, and yes, you should drive again. Just take your time getting around. Good Luck!! PS; hope that new job is fitting you just right! :wink:
:hug: Glad you're ok. I know how hard it is to drive after an accident, but you just have to do it & it gets easier. I got in an accident once, and the car was still driveable, so I had to drive it home - unfortunately it still had braches sticking out of windows, through the bumper, etc, from the tree I collided with. I got amazingly strange looks, in addition to the fact that I was incredibly nervous. Sorry, random sidenote story that I do find amusing in retrospect...

Anyway, the important thing is that you are ok. Your Dad knows that, fortunately. :) Cars can be replaced - it's cliche, but so true...
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Bonochick said:

The song that was playing when it happened? I kid you not..."Daddy's Gonna Pay For Your Crashed Car". :|

That's too weird Bonochick! I thought of the song as soon as I read this thread's title. I'm glad you are OK. :hug:

I hope you are feeling better after almost a couple of weeks have passed and I hope you like your new job.

Your Dad is the best! :up:
Thanks, BostonAnne. :hug:

We are going to be picking up his car next Saturday hopefully. The last updated estimate we received was $6000 in damages. :ohmy: :uhoh: :reject:

I'm gonna have to drive the car home too...back over the bridge. :scream: I'm scared. :reject:
:( I'm sorry to hear about your accident, BC (that and I didn't catch on the thread until now).

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