I feel like I just got dumped.

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She called me last nite to ask me to tape a show for her because her vcr doesn't tape and she was going out. Out with who? James, who she goes out with every second of everyday? Why can't he tape it for her? :rant:

At first I wanted to hang up on her because I was so pissed I couldn't speak but then I remembered she had an appointment to see the apartment that she is moving into. She is so lucky I remembered that or she would have gotten her ass kicked by me big time.
I know you are unhappy with her right now, but don't act like she does. Maybe she was never really a true friend, anyway. Don't you want to be able to look back at this some day and know that you were a good friend even if she wasn't? :)

For anyone that cares...they broke up yesterday. I'm really not all that surprised because she seemed to be rushing it a bit.

Of course she called me crying hysterically and I had to go get her and take her out for a bit. I've been hanging out with a lot of my other friends the past few weeks that I never see so it will be interesting to see if she's going to want to go out with me/us every second now that she doesn't have a man in her life again. It's not that I would mind, I just hate how people think they can toss you aside when they are busy and then expect you to welcome them back with open arms when they are free again. That's what friends are for I guess.

:shrug: Oh well...at least I won't get anymore emails about James, James, James....or maybe I will. Yikes she'll probably send me emails about the break up all week now :crack:
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grrrrrr.....i hate people who only keep you around when they want something. You probably are going to have to hear all about the break up for some time, that sucks :hug:

If she doesn't stop acting like a turd, I'm going to have to fly out there and kick some ass :mad:

oooh, you almost have 4000 posts!
She emailed me yesterday with just "hi" and we went back and forth for a bit with one or two word emails and I think she was getting at she wanted to go out but I was really busy and couldn't so I haven't heard from her since. I think she'll be ok. Next time she finds a guy and does this to me, that's it. She's on her own when he dumps her!

You can fly out here anyways:D I'll give you the grand tour of Mpls.

I have 4000 posts now....how time flies.
hey, maybe we can meetup at the RAROF, you're going in August, right? Me and Chels have to reschedule our trip because of her finals. We're going to go sometime in august or late july.

Oh yeah if she does this again, dump her :down:
We're going to be there the first weekend in Sept. Probably either Friday or Saturday. On Sunday is the lame ass geek convention that I'm going to so the museum is either Friday or Saturday.
Heh, I felt like resurrecting this thread because a similar thing is going on with some of my friends right now. :angry: Some of our group of 6 friends from my old university have boyfriends at the moment and they've come up with the idea to take these boyfriends to our bimonthly (is that a word :lol:) dinner.

So I said I was afgainst it because I prefer a good evening with my friends as opposed to talking to a load of strangers. Of course I said it in the nicest possible way. :sexywink: Luckily I think they will respect my opinion but what the hell is wrong with these people that they want to include their significant others in every single part of their life. Is it that hard to go somewhere on your own for one fucking evening? :angry:
seems like every one of my friends i know is dating someone too.

i love being the 3rd wheel:up::tsk:
I've been married for almost 10 years now and I still don't get it. I like spending time both with and without my spouse. It's fun to go out with just friends sometimes. You don't need to be together all the time. It seems that some people don't have their own identity or something. :shrug:
Hehehe, it seems there is only going to be me and my friends next week :D

DrTeeth (on behalf of the dateless losers) 1 : 0 "Can't move a step without my boyfriend :no:"-losers
I should update my story on this thread sometime. My friend that I originally wrote about is probably the most love starved person I've ever met and she's in over her head right now.

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