How many more?

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War Child
Nov 2, 2000
New York, NY
Anyone know how many albums U2 is obligated to make to fulfill their contract? I know it was a 5 album deal, but I don't know if the best of's play into that or what.

I have this really bad feeling that they will release the album they are currently working on, tour it and then make one more record, tour it and that will be it. I don't base it on any facts, just a hunch. Then they will do a farewell tour type of thing and end every concert with 40 or Peace on Earth.

I hope I'm wrong. However, I sure wouldn't like to see U2 pull a Michael Jordan and continue to work even though the quality of the work is below their standards.
They could easily fulfill their obligation with live albums and b-side collections and maybe one more album not supported by a tour.
Noooo Donj't scare me....I hope you're not Mystic Meg! I haven't been able to see them live yet! My dad has to come...
I forsee at least 3 new studio albums (including this one) plus any compilations.

Remember they are building a new studio...

I think they need to come out with a true live disc at some point.
ouizy said:
I forsee at least 3 new studio albums (including this one) plus any compilations.

Remember they are building a new studio...

I think they need to come out with a true live disc at some point.


3 more studio albums, that might be right.
I don't think a live album would be necessary as long as they keep releasing tour DVDs. I think Edge said something to the effect of that once.
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