How cold is it where you live? Part 2

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I win with the coldest weather!!! Here in Minnesota, its - 8F right now. That's farenheit, so about -40C.

When I see u guys type how 40F is cold, that's really warm for here. In 40F, we go out without jackets.... it's that warm! :)
-12 C in St. John's tonight (-23 C windchill) with winds gusting to 80 km/hr. :madspit:

This wind has been crazy! Today's walk from the UC to the Business and Admin. building was not fun. :angry:
Ok ok you all's 46 here in San Diego right now and I was gonna say that's cold. It was a high of 72 degrees today tho. I am by the beach, so it's that damp wet cold, Brrrrrrrrr......
LivLuvAndBootlegMusic said:
15 F/ -9.5 C tonight. Sucks b/c it snowed like 6 inches the other day, then got warm (warm being 36 F / 1 C) so the snow became wet and heavy, then it got way below freezing so now it's all ice.

Isn't that just the worst? Ice sucks, especially black ice that you can't even bloody well see. Wish there was a way that it would snow then melt away instantly as soon as it got warmer as opposed to the snow-slush-frozen slush- ice-I break a leg cycle that it goes through instead!
^ :crack:

I think I'd snap if I lived in such cold weather.

Right now, it's about 30 degrees. It hasn't snowed alot this winter. There have been some pretty warm days here and there though.
It's freezing today here. The hi was about 65 degrees farenhiet and very windy. :mad:
Well after the last weeks temps of -20˚C-30˚C, now the temps at -5˚C it feel positives balmy!!!:rolleyes: And the days are getting longer and the suns shinning beautifly today.

I didn't even need a jacket today, it was so warm :love:

55 degrees :combust:

Now I'd say it's around 40 or 35. It's been a mild winter, indeed, we just keep getting MASSIVE snowstorms that come at all the wrong times. :grumpy:
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