hi :)

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


War Child
Apr 8, 2007
Belfast, Ireland
Hi im LTJ's little sister :wave:
I've been meaning to join interference for a while now, but only got round to doing it yesterday!
I am 15 and have liked U2 since 2002/3 when I was about 10 or 11... can't remember lol
Don't know what else to say so i'll see you's around :)
music.u2 said:
Hi im LTJ's little sister :wave:

So we have LJT, Zerodude and now your good self here...how many more do we have to collect before we have the full set of LJT's siblings? :wink:

I'm only teasing you- :wave: Welcome to Interference! :D
I actually think my youngest brother is also registered here somewhere...though I don't think he remembers his username or password :hmm:
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