Hey shaunvox! ZoOtOpIaNs ArE sPoOkY!!!!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Rock n' Roll Doggie VIP PASS
Jul 25, 2000
Smile, you're reading my post
guess who just spoke to me at zootopia?!?!

yes THE very man himself just asked me a series of mundane questions....

first he asked me if i was enjoying the site
to which I replied "yes but i really wished they would serve drinks. do you?"

he replied he liked the site as there is much fan interaction.
i asked him if he thought they should serve drinks and he replied that it is a good idea but would send the band broke!
I said "fair enough they dont have to, if they come to tour oz instead"

"Bono" then stated that "we will be comming(yes he spelt it that way) in the not too distant future"

I then replied "so you are the real Bono? Well it was nice chatting to you but I have to go set the table because Queen Liz is popping around for tea"

Guess what happened then?
He DIDN'T reply.

and the moral of the story kids, beware Zootopia, for it breathes a scary lifeforce(we arent sure if its human) all of its own...
and how is Queen Liz doing?

Shake it, shake it, shake it
Queen Liz can't talk right now as she is eating her dinner in my flat, and I got to take the corgis for a walk those snappy little bastards!...may boot one up the backside if Lizzie isn't looking!
Whats that ma'am? Polish yer own fecking crown jewels, I don't ask you to polish mine!

(ugh! perish the thought!)
so are ya sure that was bono or was it the same person that fooled me.


Dont believe the devil i dont believe his book.

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