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I Serve Larry's Stick
Jul 7, 2001
Has a big old crush on my brother!!


She'll probably slap me tomorrow, even though she loves me anyway!


she likes someone?!?! :shocked:


world: *collapses*
pudding: *stops being made*


i guess this'd be more surprising if i hadn't talked to her in a few months and new nothing about it.
I didnt know this :) But actually I really didn't!!!
Well goddamn, I had no idea that all of Interland knew about this!

And this is dark, but here's a pic of me and my bro hanging out in London...

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Mrs. Vedder said:
Why is called a "Crush?" Its not like your gonna crush someone! :hmm:

They're called "crushes" because sometimes they hurt so badly that it feels as though your heart is being crushed.
What do you mean so many people knew?!? I had no idea!

Awwww, does he know?

Why are they crushes? Because you get crushed if they don't feel the same...
Lilly said:

yo kris, i like your hat in that pic.

Thanks! It was my favorite hat, I'd had it for three years, and I lost it over Christmas (I think one of my bratty cousins stole it!).

Shane Lemon? More like Shane Christopher (I swear, all my friends have been in love with him at one point or another!).


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