hero 7

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Rock n' Roll Doggie ALL ACCESS
Apr 8, 2003
Back on the blue crack after a long break
heres the next part to the saga.
by the way if anybody is confused it began with ummmm another story
then another story the next part and gradually became another story aka hero and then the hero thing continued
i wouldnt have started it with that name but i wasnt planning on posting very many chapters.....sorry! :wave:

That stern glare got her moving as she thought about what underwear she should pick. Normally her choice would be the risque' type of undies, but under the circumstances she was embarrased to even pick something more conservative.

Might as well be myself, she thought and headed toward a rack with black lace bras and panties.

Bono raised his eyebrows in surprise-

"That's not - em-" he cleared his throat "what I expected from the shy girl. You must be catholic, shy outside and naughty inside."

Bono smiled as Ria became increasingly more embarrased.

"Bye Bernadette!" Bono waved along with Ria as they left the store, Ria walking as fast as she could without looking like a sprinter.

"Now for shoes"

"You don't want to buy me shoes, trust me."

"And why not?" His eyes seared through her over his red sunglasses again. Some girl passing by complimented him on his new haircut, and he smiled flirtatiously back at her.

Going from realizing that people werent as excited to see Bono in Ireland as they were everywhere else, to getting some strange feeling in her stomach when he flirted with the girl, Ria tried to stay on topic.

"Because I like expensive shoes and I'm sickeningly picky. It could take hours."

"You make it so much more attractive to take you shoe shopping if I get to avoid the studio for that much longer."

That dark look that passed over Bono the night before came back in an instant. His body became rigid, arm impulsively sliding around Ria's waist and pulling her in close.

Hand on her hip, meaningfully, and short woman with a pointed face marched up to them. She might be pretty if it werent for the nasty facial expression, Ria thought.

"Emma, what a nice surprise." Bono said dryly, with gritted teeth.

"Yes, I'm sure. Who's the child?" She tried to look down her pointy nose at Ria but was too short and ended up glaring at Ria's neck.

"Your business is with me, not her. What do you want?" Bono sounded tired and worn down, like every time he had to speak to his ex- girlfriend it took enormous amounts of energy from him.

"First of all I want the rest of my things back, you said you'd drop them off two weeks ago and you never did. And second, why haven't you been answering my calls? I left at least ten messages for you. Were you too busy trying to seduce this girl to give me the respect of an answer?"

Ria felt her fists ball up with anger, the rest of her body tightening up in return, shaking with rage. How dare she talk to Bono like that?
Sweet Bono who would never hurt anybody on purpose.

Bono whispered soothing words into her ear, and she felt some of the tension ease out of her body. Next he talked Emma into a calmer state as well.
He is so good at talking to women,Ria thought in amazement. No wonder I feel like I'm falling through the floor every time he speaks to me.....

"So you can come by tomorrow and get your things. Just Milly will be there and she will let you in."

"Fine. I don't want anymore outbursts from her though. If I have one more thing fly past my head I'll have the officers come and haul her away to where she belongs. In the pound."

Cought between a smile and a frown, Bono told her goodbye in a less than friendly manner.

"Oh, and this is Ria, by the way. Shes coming with me and the band on vacation in Miami. Cheers."

And Bono whisked Ria away down the street, trying to supress a smile until after the banshee was out of sight.

"Did Milly really throw something at her?" Ria asked with wonder in her voice.

"Yeah, a flowerpot! It was a riot. Barely missed her and smashed into a million pieces on the wall behind her. "

"I think i could really get along with your housekeeper.
Its very hard to believe you ever dated that woman, what were you thinking?"

"Wasn't. Sometimes you make bad decisions when you're getting over a divorce and feeling lonely."

The sadness in his voice and the look on his face told Ria not to take that one any further, but it illuminated a whole new heartache in Bono's life that Ria hadn't even considered.

"Okay, I'm letting you loose. Two pairs at the least, one casual, one semi-dressy. If you need something formal we can get it later since you will need more clothes anyway."

Without another argument, Ria began to marvel at the selection, touching the expensive shoes and picking up a pair of thick- soled pair of boots. Prada. Expensive.
They felt perfect on her feet. Never before had she been allowed such expensive and well made shoes before.

"How about these?" Ria held them up, smiling devilishly.

"They look like something I would wear" he laughed "we have similar taste"

"Oh, you wear women's shoes when nobody's looking?"

"Even without the band around I still get teased"

After an exhausting search for a second pair of shoes she finally settled on the small black, and dark brown Italian shoes with intricate stitching.
Bono's eyes followed her every move, every time her face changed expressions in pleasure and dislike. The way her eyebrows furrowed together when she was thinking hard about something
How she licked her bottom lip when she saw something she liked but didn't want to show it.

He hadn't even noticed when she told him she'd found a pair she liked.


His eyes came back into focus.

"Oh, sorry, love. Just thinking about something."

"These arent too much then?"

"No they're perfect" he said, noticing the pair of Italian shoes in her hands.

He handed the credit card over to the cashier and looked at Ria again, with that probing way he had, making sure she was happy at that very moment. Softly, he brushed the tips of his fingers over her pale cheek, over the soft freckles under her eyes, a goofy smile spreading out over his face.


"You're not really paying this much for my lunch are you?"

"Shit, woman, how many times do I have to tell you, I don't mind. Just order whatever you want and don't look at the price."

Without his sunglasses on he could give her a stare that would put anybody under his spell.
They sat comfortably together in a private booth. Quentins he had called the place, definately for the wealthy.

Every time she scooted away from him a few centimeters he dragged her back next to him. Didn't he realize it was driving Ria mad just touching him with her arm? Let alone the whole side of her body.
She just wanted to scream
Or kiss him
Yes that was it
That was what was driving her mad
She could barely control herself near Bono, her defenses weakening
How much longer can I last?
Certainly not a week in Miami with him
You have to
You can't have Bono, he's too good for you, remember?
You're just an ugly girl. He's BONO.
Just look at him, he can have whoever he wants
Don't get your hopes up

"Where in bloody hell have you been? And where's your hair?"

Edge stood, looking every bit as angry as he sounded, in front of Bono while Adam and Larry pulled Ria into the recording room.

Poor Bono was getting chewed out, she could hear it through the door.

"So" Adam asked, smiling an upside down smile "what have you two naughty kids been up to?'
Larry looked like he'd just gotten over being mad at Bono, but curious to hear what they'd been doing all this time.

"Oh this and that, you know." Ria smiled mysteriously

"No, we don't know" Larry insisted

"Fine. Nothing exciting really. Well he did see me naked but it was a complete accident, and we went shopping. Oh and I cut his hair but you already noticed that I imagine."

"Wait," Adam said looking excited "he saw you naked?"

"Yeah, it was horrible."

"I really doubt that." Larry said looking sincere

"And you were just shopping the rest of the time? That was it,nothing else? " Adam joked, raising his eyebrows suggestively

"Geeze you guys, we werent having sex if thats what you want to know!"

Bono just happened to be entering the room as she said that, looking humbled by Edges lecture.

The guilty faces of Larry and Adam smiled back at him

"Bono, they're interrogating me. Being gossipy old women." she laughed

"Come on guys. Do you really think she's going to kiss and tell?" he winked at Ria

"I like the hair, B " Larry said nodding "it's about time you got a decent cut instead of that wild mop you've been dragging around since your hair lady split town. Well done Ria, you know I could use a little off the sides if-"

Edge interrupted Larry

"Okay ladies, enough beauty talk. We have to get at least one bloody song down before Flood leaves today otherwise he's gonna blow a spring."
He tried glaring at Bono who just smiled sweetly

"You know, you were easier when you were a grumpy old bastard."
Ria got to play with a lot of buttons and knobs that Flood showed her, letting her add in a few weird sounds over the track they were trying to wrap up. The rest of the crew was ready to be done, and getting very antsy.
As the wrapped up Ria decided to get out of the way and went to see if there were any fans sitting outside. It had been a while since she'd had a reality check and not been with the band.

As soon as her foot hit the pavement she wished to turn back unseen
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