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Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Oct 11, 2006
Let's hug it out, bitch.
I've been wondering of what I could do for the ONE campaign lately...(I have the ONE band) But I am thinking of something huge and when I mean that I want to bring something up to the student council of my school.

Last year the student council sent ordering papers for the students and parents for the tsunami relief fund green bands and everyone was buying them like crazy...

I am thinking about doing the same thing for the ONE bands....

Does anyone have any ideas I could do? It doesn't just have to be the ONE campaign but I want it to be about Africa.

Thats an awsome idea. Unfortunately, I have also tried to contact the one org. and no one responded back to me when I wanted to set up a booth at a street fair.

Try contacting them and tell them you want to sell the bracelets. I hope you get a response. :wink:
If u are spreading the word about it , it's already something anyway , the more people know , that's already somethin
I think if you want to set something up at school, you want to give them a clear messgae about what ONE is about... Get people wearing Wrisbands get as much exposure as you can. Tell them 5000+ Africans die every day.
Jeffo17 said:
I think if you want to set something up at school, you want to give them a clear messgae about what ONE is about... Get people wearing Wrisbands get as much exposure as you can. Tell them 5000+ Africans die every day.

Yeah I was going to give like a 5 minute presantation about it....

Of course if this whole thing does work out, I'd have to be incharge..
J_NP said:
If u are spreading the word about it , it's already something anyway , the more people know , that's already somethin

But I want to do more than that...I've told people about this, I've had a presantation about this, but I think this idea could be good..
Ok, I talked to my student council today and they said its a perfect idea for the spring!


Now I gotta see if they do special orders and crap for our school....
in my highschool, we had our daily morning announcements broadcast on tv. maybe you can contact whoever does your announcements and speak for like 2-3 minutes about the one campaign, and then during lunch periods, ask if your friends will take turns holding a table for sign-ups.
If you have a couple of local rockbands that are supporting ONE maybe it would be a good idea to mix entertainment for a good cause?
Maybe the school orchestra (if your school has something like that) are ready to play something for "your" sake?
That sounds kind of good to me, and besides the bands get to play their songs in front of an audience.
Who knows, maybe someone wants to set up play regarding the subject so people will realize what's really going on?

Get people to either sign up to the campaign, buy One products (shirts, wristbands etc) or pay for entrance to the mini-concert.

Whatever you decide to do, I think it's a great thing to organize and I wish you and the student council the best of luck!
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