Have a lot of money? Be fast!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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I suggest you hunt down this bidder and become their very best friend before the summer of 2005 :)
this xoo station guy is a bit of a moron, he should be waiting until the last minute before he bids
with that much money you could follow U2 around while they are touring for a couple of gigs with a spot close to the stage and eventually run into them
bcrt2000 said:
with that much money you could follow U2 around while they are touring for a couple of gigs with a spot close to the stage and eventually run into them

Yes agree. I would - if i had the money - use it to travel around.

But this person probably has the money to do both ...:ohmy:
Someone has way too much money on their hands!!!

U2 is great and all, ut that's just crazy. They ARE a band you know. Geez give that money to charity or something.
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