Guys, Tennessee Superthread

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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I'd almost suggest another thread hijacking if I didn't think we'd all get banned.... :hyper:
I'd like to add that even if things were as busy as ever, that still wouldn't be (for me) a good reason to check the thread. There was a period a month or so ago where I stayed away from the superthread for about a week. The reason was that I just didn't like/didn't know whoever was posting in there regularly at the time. Now I've gotten comfortable with the new regulars, so it's not an issue, but perhaps others haven't fallen in step with my attitude about it? It hurts to say, but it's true.

This is a good point, though I do think it's fair to say that Superthread busy-ness has typically correlated with good discussion and a strong sense of community. Obviously that comes with the disclaimer that correlation =/= causation, but I think there's something there. Outisde of the Screwtape arguments, heavy posting has indicated that people here are having a good time and enjoying each other's company.
A lot of times, in the morning (US Pacific time) I won't post in here because I don't know most of the people who are posting.
Urgh. Ax, give me your divine concert knowledge so I don't have to get my U2 By U2 book out, as it's fucking heavy.

After U2-3 was released, U2 went to London for a short tour. Right before they left, Edge and Adam got into a wreck and Edge broke his wrist, which completely ruined the gig they had to play that night in Dublin before going to London. What venue was that show at?
Nevermind, I don't need to know after all.
Nevermind, I don't need to know after all.

Hah. I wasn't sure off the top of my head, since my memory right now is telling me there were no gigs between Cork on 5 October 1979 and the U2:3 tour of December. So I was going to see what we had on U2gigs.
It's true that no one here is answerable to anyone else. We're all adults (or damn close) here, and how we spend our time is our prerogative.

HOWEVER, I really wish we could all just hash things out and get to the bottom of this, even if some feelings get hurt. We can't fully move on if we still have something invested in the past.

yes, that would be nice.

Seconded. The vast majority of Superthreaders, depending on how well I know them, I consider either friends or people whose company I enjoy. I think it's only fair that we hammer things out and resolve what the fuck has happened.
Seconded. The vast majority of Superthreaders, depending on how well I know them, I consider either friends or people whose company I enjoy. I think it's only fair that we hammer things out and resolve what the fuck has happened.

Fuck that. I like silence and internet-glares.
This is a good point, though I do think it's fair to say that Superthread busy-ness has typically correlated with good discussion and a strong sense of community. Obviously that comes with the disclaimer that correlation =/= causation, but I think there's something there. Outisde of the Screwtape arguments, heavy posting has indicated that people here are having a good time and enjoying each other's company.

I can't really argue with that. I'm just speaking for myself at the moment.
Seconded. The vast majority of Superthreaders, depending on how well I know them, I consider either friends or people whose company I enjoy. I think it's only fair that we hammer things out and resolve what the fuck has happened.

:bonodrum: It's only fair.
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