GOYB snippets? (Do Not post Download Links!)

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This is funny, the thread with the link to the youtube fakeclip 30 seconds got more posts then this with the real song

I'm surprised too, it was a pretty active thread at first but it then slowly dropped in interest. :D
I've got a submarine
You've got gasoline
I don't wanna talk about war between nations
Calling out
Sexy boots!
Get on get on....

Let me hear the sound
Let me hear the sound
Let me hear the sound sound
Let me hear the sound sound
Let me hear the sound
Let me hear the sound
Let me hear the sound
Let me hear the sound sound
Let me hear the sound sound
Let me hear the sound

Maybe this is the twist in the song?
I reckon its gonna take a while to get used this "new" U2 sound, I can't imagine the reaction it will get from the general public. Flashback to 1991. :D
Currently I'm indifferent to this song, but I'd have to hear the whole thing. If this album is anything like Achtung Baby, then songs will probably take a lot of twists and turns along the way.

I'm really hoping some form of the 2nd beach clip makes it on the album. I just went back to listen to them and I'm just loving the guitar parts on the 2nd clip.
Currently I'm indifferent to this song, but I'd have to hear the whole thing. If this album is anything like Achtung Baby, then songs will probably take a lot of twists and turns along the way.

I'm really hoping some form of the 2nd beach clip makes it on the album. I just went back to listen to them and I'm just loving the guitar parts on the 2nd clip.

yep, thats Breathe - trck 10 :up:
I'm pretty sure Breathe will still be pretty similar to Clip 2, ranting verses, joyful chorus, live rocker. :up:
1st snippet had me kind of :hmm: .... I honestly wasn't sure if I was crazy about it. But snippet #2 fucking rocks!!! :hyper: I can not wait until Monday morning!!!!
From what I just heard from the small clips this could be a very exciting song. I can understand the vertigo reference that some people have mentioned but this song is (again from what I heard) much more complex and interesting. It seems this song has evolved from the beach clip. It is definitely a different mix. Very cool riff.
From what I just heard from the small clips this could be a very exciting song. I can understand the vertigo reference that some people have mentioned but this song is (again from what I heard) much more complex and interesting. It seems this song has evolved from the beach clip. It is definitely a different mix. Very cool riff.

yes. and i do believe that this song will have shades of Vertigo, as far as the beat and fun-ness (i love making up words) of it. but i believe this song will stand apart from Vertigo and Elevation because U2 is obviously in a new era with this album.
i believe this song will stand apart from Vertigo and Elevation because U2 is obviously in a new era with this album.

Yeah, these clips sound like they have found the right mix of weirdnes and experimentation and straightforward rock and roll. Cool stuff.
I'm pissed at myself as i was not strong enough to not hear this clips, despite of the very poor sound quality i can have an idea how the single will sound like, that together with the beach clip ruined my atempt to get a fresh hearing of the new song! I wish i had more will power! :mad:
ummmmmmmmmmmm i do like what i am hearing buuuuuuuuuuuuut for some reason after i listened to it the old Escape Club Wild Wild West song popped into my head. And for whatever reason it will not go away......damn that song
Heard it yesterday but I had to listen through both snippets a few times before deciding if it sounds good, I wasn't sure in the beginning but now I'm really hyped about it. Reminds me alot of Achtung Baby, the whole thing. GOYB would be The Fly (first single of AB if you by some reason didn't know that) and for example MoS would be One.

I don't know if you understand what I mean, but it reminds me of AB.
Yes, but from what I heard it could be more experimental then AB. Wouldn't it be cool if the album mixed the song quality of AB with the experimental nature of Zooropa. For instance I didn't like the album version of Daddy's gonna pay .. but the opening sequence with the drums was incredibly cool. If they pulled it off to mix the strenght of the two albums.. but maybe I am just getting to excited.
I dont think people will believe its u2.

of course they will, it totally sounds like them...no big reinvention there

I know people want to believe it is, but it isn't...it's U2, right there in front of you
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