General Wesley Clark for President!!

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Rock n' Roll Doggie ALL ACCESS
Aug 3, 2000
moons of Zooropa
I have never been more dissapointed in a president or as scared for my country's future as I am right now with Bush.

But I don't see many great options in the Democratic candidates. I like Kerry, but he doesn't seem to be getting enough popularity behind him to matter. I think Dean is a BIG mistake. I think Democrats jumped on the Dean bandwagon early on as an emotional decision linked with Iraq.

Now there is an emergence of a possible candidate that would be able to literally make Bush and his shaky credentials look like the absolute joke they are.

General Wesley Clark. A Rhodes Scholar, 4 star General, and former Supreme Commander of NATO just to name a few honors to his credit.

He is pro-choice, anti-Iraq war, but is also very responsible and moderate in many views that appeal to me.

I'm asking you to go take a closer look at him and if you like what you see, to get involved.

And he has now just beaten Bush 49% to 40% in a blind bio test. Which pretty much means over all parties (Republican, Democrat, Independent) chose Clark's credentials over Bush's. This does not take name recognition into account.

go to -
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womanfish said:
And he has now just beaten Bush 49% to 40% in a blind bio test. Which pretty much means over all parties (Republican, Democrat, Independent) chose Clark's credentials over Bush's. This does not take name recognition into account.

Is this his primary appeal?
Re: Re: General Wesley Clark for President!!

nbcrusader said:

Is this his primary appeal?

check out the website for more details. I'm sure they can explain it better than I.
Oh, also just a cool bit of info. The co-founders of the Draft Wesley Clark Movement are a Republican and a Democrat. Neither of them think that Bush is making the grade and think that he's gotten himself into such a predicement on several issues that he is only going to dig himself and this country deeper into trouble. That really mirrors how I feel, so Clark is really appealing.
nbcrusader said:
I guess my question is: Is Wesley Clark the best person to lead the country or is he the most likely candidate to beat GWB?

That's why I like Clark. Look at the man's credential's. His background. He doesn't just eclipse Bush, but the other Democratic candidates. If you look at the numbers of who has the best chance at the moment to beat Bush, then you may very well support Dean. But my point is that Dean's background is so overwhelmingly strong, that it would boggle my mind how anyone could look at him side by side with any other candidates of any party and not completely agree that he's the best man for the job.

I'm an independent, and I vote on the issues. Bush has failed me on the issues. He made a lot of promises during his campaign and I agreed with lots of things he said. I voted for Gore in the end, but it wasn't an overwhelming feeling for me. I liked things about both candidates. Well, I like everything I see about Clark, all I read, and every interview I've seen.

i'm going to support him because he's the best man for the job.

Bush has proven he's not.
I've been looking at Gen. Clark since earlier this summer when I saw him on Meet The Press. and have already been to the web site. He's impressive to say the least.
In answer to your 2 question's nbcrusader, maybe so, to both.
nbcrusader said:
I guess my question is: Is Wesley Clark the best person to lead the country or is he the most likely candidate to beat GWB?

This is exactly why the GOP power brokers ordained W in 2000.
We had a thread on Wesley Clark back in the fall. I have been watching him closely. He has not declared yet and as long as he does not declare he will maintain relatively high approval ratings. The press does not follow non-contendors so little if anything is known about him. That makes him strong right now.

I will say this about him, I am interested in him. He was outspoken about NOT going into Iraq, especially alone. He has been very clear from the start that we need more troops in Iraq. He himself has said however, that he is obviously a STRONG candidate based on his Military and International experience. He also said that it is obvious that his weakness is in the area of Domestic policy and working with a Congress.

I am not sure this is what we need domesticly. The true test will be when he announces what will happen.
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Well, he also has a Masters in Economics from Oxford. So I would think that he may be able to have a little better grasp on the budget than our current commander and chief.

I agree that it's his foriegn policy, his intelligence, and just high profile decision making that are his strong suits. I think that because he hasn't declared yet that we haven't been able to hear about what he would do domestically. But from what I've heard from him on domestic subjects in interviews with him, what he says falls into line with what I'm looking for.

But you have to admit that right now it wouldn't hurt having someone with a better grasp of a realistic foreign policy to take the reigns.

FYI - In an earlier message i made a typo and made a statement about "Dean's background and credentials" and I meant Clark's.
He said that he would announce within the next couple weeks whether or not he'll run...but I think I read this last week, so maybe we'll hear something in a week or so. He is pretty promising, strength-wise, but I'll have to hear his platform on some key issues first.

melon said:
He said that he would announce within the next couple weeks whether or not he'll run...but I think I read this last week, so maybe we'll hear something in a week or so.

he said the same thing again tonight.

i really hope he runs. i'm really interested in learning more about him as well.

i did go to that website last week and send a "please run for president" postcard to him. :wink:
THanks for your interest guys. This is the first time in quite a while that I have actually actively supported a candidate. Ok, not a candidate yet, but working on it. If you could pass along his info to anyone you know who might be interested that would be great. We need a new choice, and he's the best I've seen in a long while.
I think my parents would really like him. They don't like Bush and they want a candidate who can beat him. Yesterday I was shocked to find out that a staunchly Republican kinswoman of mine also doesn't like Bush at all. Whew! I almost fell out of my chair when my mother told me about her. This lady would like someone like Gen. Clark, I'll bet.
I just saw something about a report on CNN that he's going to run. I haven't checked out the CNN site.......too busy posting pix on PLEBA. :reject: :help: :uhoh: :censored:
I don't like Dean.

General Wesley Clark for President
I really have begun to like Howard Dean. He is feisty and rambunctious and gets people excited. I was a big supporter of John Kerry, but the man just doesn't get me excited. Then there are all these other idiots like Lieberman, and Gephardt running.
Nonetheless speaking of Wesley Clark, Howard Dean mentioned a few days ago that he would strongly consider asking Clark to be his running mate, which would be a top notch Democratic ticket IMO.
Dean has the brains when it comes to Health care, etc. While Clark can really slam Bush and Cheney on their abuse of the military.
womanfish said:
I have never been more dissapointed in a president or as scared for my country's future as I am right now with Bush.

But I don't see many great options in the Democratic candidates. I like Kerry, but he doesn't seem to be getting enough popularity behind him to matter. I think Dean is a BIG mistake. I think Democrats jumped on the Dean bandwagon early on as an emotional decision linked with Iraq.

Now there is an emergence of a possible candidate that would be able to literally make Bush and his shaky credentials look like the absolute joke they are.

General Wesley Clark. A Rhodes Scholar, 4 star General, and former Supreme Commander of NATO just to name a few honors to his credit.

He is pro-choice, anti-Iraq war, but is also very responsible and moderate in many views that appeal to me.

I'm asking you to go take a closer look at him and if you like what you see, to get involved.

And he has now just beaten Bush 49% to 40% in a blind bio test. Which pretty much means over all parties (Republican, Democrat, Independent) chose Clark's credentials over Bush's. This does not take name recognition into account.

go to -

I've always liked Clark's attitude even before he mentioned that he might run for president. I will definitely vote for him if he runs for office :yes:
he may have qualifications but what other offices has he held beside military? the same thing happened to Colin Powell in '96. Everyone wanted him, he was a leader, etc. but he never ran. I think the more likely thing is that Clark is putting himself in position to be named to a Democratic cabinet or Powell's position when Powell leaves. wish all you want but i doubt its going to happen.
I like Dean, but I think that Gen. Clark may be more suited in the current political environment--just as Clinton was perfect for the time that he was elected, but now would seem out of place.

I would have to hear Clark's stances on many issues before I would consider him.

check out his many supporters webpages Melon.

Some of the big issues -

He's pro-choice, pro-affirmative action, anti-Iraq war (at least the way that we went about it), pro-gun control, anti-Bush tax cut.

Those are ones I can think of off the top of my head.
There are hundreds more has now raised over a million dollars for Clark if he goes for it. That is the biggest of the web sites, but all the other sites are raising money and awareness and are getting field offices ready if he says he will run.

Oh - and if anyone should be VP, it should be Dean with Clark as the President.
sharky said:
he may have qualifications but what other offices has he held beside military? the same thing happened to Colin Powell in '96. Everyone wanted him, he was a leader, etc. but he never ran. I think the more likely thing is that Clark is putting himself in position to be named to a Democratic cabinet or Powell's position when Powell leaves. wish all you want but i doubt its going to happen.

Sharky, here's an excerpt from a great article that may answer some of your questions.
Though he's never held elected office, recent speeches have hinted at how Clark might employ his military experience as evidence of his capacity for domestic political leadership. Running large military enterprises, he likes to point out, requires providing services to tens of thousands of servicemen and women who, in the all-volunteer era, are free to quit. "We fought for better schools for the children of the men and women who served in Europe. We fought for better housing...for time off so people could be with their families...for better healthcare and health insurance," said Clark in a recent speech to the New Democrat Network in Washington, D.C., sounding very much like a former governor. Clark also seems to have a preternatural ability to phrase his positions in a way that sounds authentic while allowing him to navigate the most treacherous political minefields. When asked about gun control, for instance, Clark said, "I have got 20-some-odd guns in the house. I like to hunt. I have grown up with guns all my life. But people who like assault weapons, they should join the United States Army--we have them."

Arguably, Clark matches each of the strengths of the current crop of contenders, and then raises them one. His Army background--stretching from Vietnam to Kosovo--out-oomphs Kerry's military record. His service as commander of NATO forces compares favorably to Dean's executive experience as governor of a small New England state. He adds gravitas to Edwards's aesthetic appeal, charisma to Lieberman's thoughtfulness, and sincerity to Gephardt's liberal policies.

That's why more and more Democratic insiders are beginning to argue that--at least in theory--Clark is the best candidate to beat Bush in a general election.

full article here:

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