Blue Crack Addict
Do you folks have Quality Street chocolates in the States? They usually come in a tin and are individually wrapped and quite delicious.
Just curious. Thanks
Just curious. Thanks
Eliv8 said:For any other Brits in the States you can find English chocolate/biscuits (cookies) at Target around this time of year for a good price.
Sicy said:Never heard of them!
U2democrat said:
Same!!!!!!! Don't tell me I'm missing out on good chocolate!!!
ABEL said:i'm not a big fan of chocolate...white chocolate on the other hand
argh...now i've just gone and made myself hungry for homemade white fudge (the kind you make in the microwave) except i don't have any of the stuff to make it
the rockin edge said:
oh but you are!
Eliv8, I went to target today and saw (& bought) cadbury truffles that was all the british chocs/biscuits they had though
There is a shop downtown San Diego called Shakespear's Corner Shoppe on 3719 India Street between Winder & Washington (www.ukcornershoppe.com) that carries TONS of British goods and goodies! They also have afternoon tea on their charming patio!
Eliv8 said:
Try again in a couple of weeks.The Cadburys buiscuits should be in by then.