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Merc said:

Wonder if they'll ever need a pharmaceutical advisor at DATA...? :hmm: :wink:

Congrats, Dorthe!

DATA does accept internships in Wash. DC. I think a few people from my college have gone there. (bottom of the page)

If I had any sort of medical schooling or experience, I'd LOVE to do something for Doctors Without Borders.
Thanks LivLuv! :)

LivLuvAndBootlegMusic said:
If I had any sort of medical schooling or experience, I'd LOVE to do something for Doctors Without Borders.

Medecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders) is a good organisation; they are good at what they do...

... but personally I'd go with Parmaciens Sans Frontières (Pharmacists Without Borders - ) - thats much more my kind of business! ;)
LivLuvAndBootlegMusic said:

Congrats, Dorthe!

DATA does accept internships in Wash. DC. I think a few people from my college have gone there. (bottom of the page)

If I had any sort of medical schooling or experience, I'd LOVE to do something for Doctors Without Borders.
sorry for derailing the thread--my campus recently brought the director of Doctors without Borders for a guest lecture/workshop and they have SO many people that want to work for them that there is a WAITING list for volunteers--both physician and non-physician. Isn't that wild? Good to know so many people want to support them!
Ruffian!! That's so great to hear! So there IS hope in this world for a better place. woohoo!!

better go sign up soon... by the time we can work we will have the right degree. cross your fingers. :nerd:
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