Fight! Fight! Fight!

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The Flower
Dec 27, 2001
The OC....!!!!
Now I've heard everything...there was a rumble at the old folks home! :yikes: :laugh:

Seniors Brawl After Salad Bar Dispute
Strange News - AP to My Yahoo!

WINTER HAVEN, Fla. - A dispute at the salad bar turned into a food fracas at an upscale retirement home, with a man taking a bite out of another's arm and other residents suffering minor injuries.

Police said resident Lee Thoss, 62, of the Spring Haven Retirement Community was picking through the lettuce, which disgusted 86-year-old William Hocker, who was standing in line behind him. Hocker told Thoss no one wanted to eat food he had been playing with. Thoss yelled and cursed at him, Hocker told police, and Hocker called him a nasty name. Then, witnesses said, Thoss then began punching Hocker in the face.

In the buffet melee that followed, Allen Croft, 79, tried to grab Thoss, who bit him on the arm, reports said.

Thoss' mother, Arlene, in her 80s and also a Spring Haven resident, jumped in to break up the fight and ended up with a cut arm. Harry Griffin, 92, was standing at the salad bar and cut his head when he was knocked to the ground.

"All the old folks were either getting up to help or trying to get out of there," police spokesman J.J. Stanton said of the scene last Sunday in the well-appointed dining room, which features an ice cream bar and a pastry chef. Arlene Thoss, Croft and Griffin were treated at a local hospital and released.

Stanton said all involved declined to press charges, but home administrators have asked Lee Thoss to move out.
I totally thought this was about a Cure song when I saw the title. I was initially disappointed, then entertained.
It's sad but this is more common than you think. Some old folks are fiesty and some are not in their right mind which make them see and hear things that aren't there or mistake someone for someone they hated in their past. My great aunt was 93 when she was pushed down the stairwell in her wheelchair by an 89 year old man who thought she was his ex-wife. She was never able to sit up straight or talk again:( Nothing could be done to the old man and the home claimed they were not responsible, but I think they were:eyebrow:

I have an aunt who is in her 70's, healthy and in her right mind, but she lives in one of those assisted living buildings for the elderly. She's on the bottom floor and she had the old man, age 91, up above her throwing his bacon grease out the window and it dripped all down on hers. When she saw him out in the hallway she confronted him and he grabbed her in vicious headlock and drug her into a side room where the residents played pool. Luckily a security guard saw this and freed her. Asking around at the lunch table she found out that this was not the first time he had attacked somebody. He had also been known to purposely spit in people's dinner:yuck: They tried to have him thrown out but they said as long as he paid his rent there was nothing they could do. Then one day she saw a bunch of cops outside and she never saw the man again. She guessed maybe he had hurt somebody and the building kept it hush hush for business but at least he was gone:|
:hug: Yes, I'm sorry if I offended anyone with personal experience on this subject.
Sorry, I didn't mean to spoil your fun here but some of these things are awful!
I work at a senior recreation center, and while it's a stereotype, it is sometimes true that people regress as they get older - i.e. adults acting like children.

My "favorite" story is when one day at the center a senior who had recently had hip surgery stood up and somehow dislocated the new hip :( As the paramedics are helping her and we (the staff) are trying to convince her that yes she does need to go to the hospital, another senior comes up to me and asks, "Are we still having Bingo?"


But the majority of them are great people, thank goodness :)

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