Feedback vs The Hype

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Blue Crack Addict
May 11, 2001
If U2 never changed their name to U2, which name would you have rather they stuck with?

Feedback or The Hype?
Pfft, U2. Pfft, Feedback or The Hype. They should have just become the Dalton Brothers and let that be that. We all know Lucille is the best song the band has ever made.
nice way of trying to derail an honest thread, suckers.


because the hype would have died when punk died.
but they wouldn't have gone back to their old name... since the hype was their name 'cause they were sick of feedback
im surprised that more people didnt want to contribute to this thread. this is one of the few questions of the world that should matter to u2 fans only.
Feedback sounds like a band on a double bill with Gin Blossoms.

Just a horrible circa-1992 Seattle grunge rock scene name.
So, am I the only one who thinks The Hype sounds aeons better than Feedback?


Seriously, "Feedback" just wreaks of cheese and cliche. The Hype sounds a little like prototypical punk blather, but it suits them much better I think.
BoyStupidBoy88 said:
So, am I the only one who thinks The Hype sounds aeons better than Feedback?


Seriously, "Feedback" just wreaks of cheese and cliche. The Hype sounds a little like prototypical punk blather, but it suits them much better I think.

No, I agree wholeheartedly.

The Hype sounds awesome, and I agree about the punk thing too.
BoyStupidBoy88 said:
So, am I the only one who thinks The Hype sounds aeons better than Feedback?


Seriously, "Feedback" just wreaks of cheese and cliche. The Hype sounds a little like prototypical punk blather, but it suits them much better I think.

I disagree. The Hype is a lame, awful, almost arrogant name that I can imagine would lead to the worst journalistic puns in album/concert reviews.

Feedback makes me think of a shoegazer band getting walls of guitar feedback out of their amps. That may not be U2, but it at least seems like a more reasonable band name.
Would you believe our high school rock band name (around 1980) was called Feedback? (In rural New South Wales, Australia).
It's true.... before we had heard of U2.
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Feedback sounds industrial or grunge or alternative rock to me (like nu-metal). I think The Hype would be a better name, though it's a bit indie-pretentious.
AtomicBono said:
Feedback sounds industrial or grunge or alternative rock to me (like nu-metal). I think The Hype would be a better name, though it's a bit indie-pretentious.

Maybe nowadays, I don't think anyone was worried about coming off as indie-pretentious or marketing to the indie kids back then.

The Hype is a pretty cool name, but I just can't imagine either of those names taking them as far as they've gone under U2.
powerhour24 said:

Maybe nowadays, I don't think anyone was worried about coming off as indie-pretentious or marketing to the indie kids back then.

The Hype is a pretty cool name, but I just can't imagine either of those names taking them as far as they've gone under U2.

You're right, and I think The Hype as a name would have fit in with the post-punk scene. I dunno, I think I can imagine a band called The Hype winning 24 Grammys or whatever, but somehow I can't imagine the same for Feedback. I wonder if it really mattered? How important is a band's name to its success? I'm thinking not so much. I mean, for their kind of music, Tool has done pretty well, and they have a terrible name...
Public Enemy would've dealt a blow to their credibility had they chosen The Hype:


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