Fan Art V3 - Art being born!

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Katie I have a wee request... I'd love to see you draw this baby Edge.... **giggle**

Ooh. Weird. That pic crosses the "aww baby Edge so cute" barrier to "oh. Yummy." Sounds good. I have to do a painting of Larry first though (and also move, then move into art school, etc) but I'll get to it...heehee...tongue action...

In the meanwhile, I've done a picture of Bono:


He's more fun in rainbow :shifty: and his mouth was giving me hell to try and paint. Teeth, ugh.


And some tablecloth doodles. :cute: Red Rocks Edge. (I can't draw a bass to save my life, but I can sort of draw hip thrusts...)
:lmao: doodle FTW

I loved the color pallette you used. :love: great brushwork :applaud:
Thanks guys XD

I was inspired last night to paint this because Larry in the reference looks quite droolworthy:

larry_mullen_jr__again_by_alois_noette-d47da8x.jpg'll probably be a while until I get to that, as I have 2 days now to pack practically everything in my house :reject:

In the meanwhile, I got paint pens and decorated my speakers :giggle:


Great job with the watercolors, AnCatKatie! :up: I wish I knew how to paint with them. I tried many times, but everything keeps coming out blurry and messy and I just end up screwing the paper up and throwing it away. :banghead:
Yeah. It's just that I'm not great at colouring.:reject: Pen and ink drawing are more my thing. I realized the size of the brush is very important, though. And the quality of the watercolors too, I guess. Mine are very old and kind of crappy.
Padj said:
Yeah. It's just that I'm not great at colouring.:reject: Pen and ink drawing are more my thing. I realized the size of the brush is very important, though. And the quality of the watercolors too, I guess. Mine are very old and kind of crappy.

Pen and ink I used to be able to do but not really anymore..get better watercolors! It's worth it'll probably be a while until I get to that, as I have 2 days now to pack practically everything in my house :reject:

In the meanwhile, I got paint pens and decorated my speakers :giggle:


Cool. Why must you be better even at drawing the Explorer than I am?!

And as for being converted.... Erm. No(t yet).
The Explorer is AWESOME Katie! And I love The Fly and his videocamera.

Red Rocks Edge - teh cutez!!

And the Larry watercolour? Incredible!!!

I enjoy your work so much - a natural talent :)

Is it ironic that I'm visiting my art school for the first time but have to wait to do art? yes. :giggle:


I'm starting to have a thing for Edge's's just so...awesome (even if I drew a different one to make it pretty XD)
I'm lovin this thread; lots of great artwork. I might post something eventually.

AnCatKatie, your paintings are lovely and the cartoons are fun. :up:
I'm lovin this thread; lots of great artwork. I might post something eventually.

AnCatKatie, your paintings are lovely and the cartoons are fun. :up:

I hope you feel welcome , and do post! The more the merrier!

I have to agree on the explorer Katie, I love it so much , its perfect really.
Great jobs guys! :)


Last week my friends and I were on a 5-day trip and I tried to find time to keep my daily routine of a 15 minute sketch, and drew this Larry sketch :)


I had done this a long time ago on the paper I keep taped to my desk for notes. Drawn with a red marker (no pencil sketch) off an Achtung Baby photo :)
Is the sketchy red marker one Adam? It's pretty. I like your drawing style. (also, what's that about Ireland? heehee) Only complaint is Larry's mouth is supposed to be down further...the line for his top lip should be about in between where you put that and his bottom lip. :reject: I've obviously spent wayyy too much time staring at my poster of him.
Is the sketchy red marker one Adam? It's pretty. I like your drawing style. (also, what's that about Ireland? heehee) Only complaint is Larry's mouth is supposed to be down further...the line for his top lip should be about in between where you put that and his bottom lip. :reject: I've obviously spent wayyy too much time staring at my poster of him.

Thanks :)
Haha yes, I was listening to Runrig's version of Loch Lomond, and the part where he sings 'You'll take the high road and i'll take the low, and I'll be in Scotland before you', I felt like writing Ireland instead of Scotland :) (I love Scotland a lot though. :) )

Heheh... yes, the Larry one...... I was a bit under the influence of red wine, beer, and sun while drawing that :p But thanks for the critique.
Ooh, that's awesome. Scotland's cool, but Ireland's cooler, IMO.

Ha...I haven't drunk drawn yet but you handled it pretty well.
Haha, it's..... funny, drawing whilst you're drunk. Have tried it quite a few times.

This one was drawn in the morning, so I wasn't too drunk.
:giggle: Mannnn I bet I'm going to have to deal with that at some point.

If I tried drawing Larry while I was drunk, he'd be a stick figure or a blob with an arrow pointing towards him saying 'SEXYYYYYYYY' :laugh:
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