Fan Art V3 - Art being born!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Here's our Lawrence :heart:


...Yum. My favorite. I'm biased, of course :D But who can resist a smile like that?
That one is really good! Watercolors are so hard!:applaud: Kuddo's to you.
I would like to ask everyone not to quote pictures to much!
It stretches the page and makes it look so messy to see something over and over.
Quoting the artwork on a new page is fine of course!

Just trying to keep it neat in here, no offence , because I think all the artwork you guys are posting is great!:heart:
Maybe in the next thread we should give links to the interference-fan-artists on deviantart. And to the U2 community there, if the linking is allowed.
Heheh, that's why it was a total pleasure drawing him ;) I spent about an hour in total just looking at him :)

Thanks guys!! :)
I have none of my own art to add. It is awful. But I have a friend on another website who won't mind me sharing her pictures.

She first drew this one for me:


And then I found this one on her Deviantart site and saved it.


And guess what? I liked MAcPhisto so much I asked her to draw another one for me.


Then she decided to mess around with Photoshop...

So guys, remember when I opened the thread asking about Bono's most famous iconography which was needed for 'a big project' I was working on which is currently exhibited in an Easter Exhibition..

Well, here it is! :D

THE SUPPER OF ROCK! Oil on Canvas. 1m x 1.5m big.


Aaand, a close-up of our man. (I'm not that happy how he turned out..)


For a bigger photo and more close-ups of the other rockstars, including my comments and story about it, visit The Supper Of Rock by ~u2fan003 on deviantART
FANTASTIC !:applaud: How I envy your color mixing skills.
And you also managed to put the singers I like the most together.
Bono, Bruce and Freddie:heart:
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