Dublin, Texas Superthread (Dr. Pepper!)

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drunken Ali dancing? I'll be there if only to take the attention away from my hideous dancing.
For someone who thinks she can play bass, I have NO RHYTHM. :reject:

ALI!!! :hug: :kiss:

Sorry, I'm in an out like a :silent: :angel: Cooking a sunday roast and refereeing tired fighting children :|
Kim!! :hug: :hug:

Ooh, I'm starting to get hungry. I don't think I've eaten anything today... does green tea count??

Ack. Which one is winning?

Incidentally, St Kilda is getting pasted. No shock there.

Stephen Wilson



related to

that crazy



or mr.wilson

from dennis

the menace

I mean mennis


I mean menace

or do I?
Ooh, double-posted random non-rhyming poetry? :up:
:lol: I'm definitely there if drunkAli is on the cards, even if I have no idea how on earth I'll get home. If it's at Pugg Mahone's, I'll hopefully be lucky and the route 8 will still be running! I may just have to drink enough to be willing to call out even more ridiculous requests than I did last night.

(Before anybody asks, after One Tree Hill, I called for them to play it again, and then at the end when they announced they'd do an Achtung song, I called for The Fly, then Acrobat a couple of times.)
Yes, yes you did. *rubs ear*


At least you weren't as loud as that whistling fucker... :mad:

Kay, Im off to bed. Bye guys! :wave:
Seeya! Sleep well :wave:

catch a taxi you tight-arse
We can do a whip-around for the fare if you spend all your money on Guinness and Kilkenny :tongue:
Don't mistake exhaustion for drunkness

If I were drunk right now, you know full well that we'd need either Peephan or Serena to translate.

I'd love to see Serena try to translate right now! :lol:
Night Brit :)

I haven't golfed properly in ages. Went to the driving range a month ago and my god, I was horrible. All you could hear was birds and squirrels screaming and cursing as I clocked the ball into various trees, shrubs and raspberry bushes.

Why is there a p in raspberry? Noone ever pronounces it.
Yes, yes you did. *rubs ear*


At least you weren't as loud as that whistling fucker... :mad:

We can do a whip-around for the fare if you spend all your money on Guinness and Kilkenny :tongue:


God, that whistling twit was annoying.

If I have enough to drink that I'm at least tipsy, I bet you could get me to call out the entirety of The Unforgettable Fire and its b-sides.
I haven't golfed properly in ages. Went to the driving range a month ago and my god, I was horrible. All you could hear was birds and squirrels screaming and cursing as I clocked the ball into various trees, shrubs and raspberry bushes.

Why is there a p in raspberry? Noone ever pronounces it.


I dunno... same reason there's one in "cupboard"? Most of English's spelling is completely arbitrary.
I never use backspace when I'm drinking, I'm far past logical thought. Unfortch, you lot have to try and figure out what I'm saying. I figure, you drink to get away from logical thought.

I wonder if Spock was ever shitfaced...
If I have enough to drink that I'm at least tipsy, I bet you could get me to call out the entirety of The Unforgettable Fire and its b-sides.

I think the main challenge would be STOPPING you from doing that. :wink:

I'll be up the back yelling "EXIT!!" and some smart arse would probably be pointing out the door to me.
Ok, so, I forgot the grocery store closes as 12, so I walked all the way over there for nothing, but not really NOTHING. I was really thirsty so I came back to the student center to get a drink, and some medicine for my throat, and while I was there, awesome taste in music guy (He loves Bruce Springsteen, so he talks to me about really cool bands he used to listen to in the 70s whenever he sees me) was there taking a break, and we started talking about stuff, and I realized that 1990 was almost 20 years ago, and mentioned it was my birthday, so he bought me a milkshake :love: And even though it's chocolate, it was 1) still free and 2) a milkshake, when I have a sore throat
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