Dublin Calling July 2002

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Rock n' Roll Doggie
Jun 4, 2002
Brooklyn, NY
[color=royal blue]OK check it.

Clarity and I, being Band Aids that we are, are gonna go to a concert with Jude



Sidenote: Jude has a song called "Gay Cowboy"

I wanna be your gay cowboy
I want a homo on the range
I want to hear some other spurs on the floor
When I walk in the door for a change
?Cuz my woman, she has been driving me insane

I'm sold.

ANYWAY the point is this concert is in DC and Clarity's crazy enough to come down 600 miles to see him. And we's camping out at the Feesh's house. YEE HA.

Now Jude isn't really important as this point. Except the cowboy thing. But anyway. Clarity's bringing her unnamed bass, Fishy will have an acoustic geetar with sparkles, and I'ma have Houdini. And we's gon' JAM

BONO: and stop talking like that?

Ssshh Bono. Hold my hand.

OK where was I.

O yeah. So for like a day we will be Dublin Calling. I need to get my hands on a harmonica and maracas.....

THE POINT IS...does anyone have any idears for what song we should learn?

We will have pics akorse. DOOD It's Dublin Calling.

*Cheers to Fishy. It's cool to be a fish ;)
U2Kitten said:
I thought you were going to Dublin!

[color=royal blue]*CRY* nah we're poor. :(

MAYBE if we play in the street, ppl will throw nickels at us!

I wanna be the EDGE.
MonaVox said:
[color=royal blue]

THE POINT IS...does anyone have any idears for what song we should learn?


[color=royal blue]
Well,I would say "In a little while", but if you?re looking for a song with a simple bass line and simple guitar I would say "I Still haven?t found what im looking for!"
That's me...a one woman Motel 8...

If anyone wants to join Dublin Calling for the weekend, membership is open to all! Even if you can't play an instrument...hey...every band needs it's fans...LMAO!

So anyway...anyone who wants to come...PLEASE DO! Free Rooms! Free Beds! Hell I won't even charge for showers! :)

East Coast PLEBA get together! ROLL CALL!

There will be T-shirts...OH YES...there will be T-shirts!


Fishy aka "The Feesh"
FishNeedsABicycle said:
That's me...a one woman Motel 8...

If anyone wants to join Dublin Calling for the weekend, membership is open to all! Even if you can't play an instrument...hey...every band needs it's fans...LMAO!

So anyway...anyone who wants to come...PLEASE DO! Free Rooms! Free Beds! Hell I won't even charge for showers! :)

East Coast PLEBA get together! ROLL CALL!

There will be T-shirts...OH YES...there will be T-shirts!


Fishy aka "The Feesh"

[color=royal blue]LMAOOOOOO yes, East Coasters, we need a castanet player!! Come on down!!

I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!
MonaVox said:
[color=royal blue]FISHY.






Fishy-House: *cringes*

I GOT MY GUITAR TODAYYYYYYYYY!!! She is black and SPARKLY!!! She needs a name though...

NOT MEMPHIS: *cries* Naaaaaaame Meeeeee

Ok so I know there have to be more PLEBAn's who want to get together...LOL...I mean Clarity is coming all the way from Indiana! LMAO!



The Feesh
hey hey hey! i was the OFFICIAL castanet player of dublin calling!

*breaks out castanets*

*click cla click click click*

cba: oo you've still got it! :rolleyes:

me: shaddap cba.

anyhoo...here's my plan. i'm gonna go git in me car which still has a tent, a sleeping bag, and two captain's chairs in it from last week and i'm gonna drive in the general direction of maryland.

my guess is that my car is quality enough to get me to the wisconsin border about 35 miles from here. after that, i shall be on foot hitchiking.

:bono: : note to self, stay off wisconsin highways

you're done bono

:bono: : :(

so by the time i get to chicago it'll be like friday. so then i'll hop on a train that goes right to clarity's house. she'll know it's me cos i'll knock and go "uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh."

clarity: uhm, how do you know where i live?

me: joost took the train marked "clarity's house"

clarity: figures.

then the two of us shall travel onward to craft, play dooblin calling shows and craft s'more (mmm smores).

sound like a plan?
[color=royal blue]LMAO

If you get lost just follow the sound of our special call


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