Dong Ha, Vietnam Superthread

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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In this edition of Bullshit Biology:

Though Eve is back in her younger body, she still gets tired as if she were still old as fuck, proving that the mind is what provides the body with energy and vitality, and that Stephen Hawking can theoretically outrun Bolt.
Here's a gig I'd love to have: writing original songs for characters to butcher in karaoke in crappy Hallmark films.
"Quiet Riot? I'd pay to hear you sing that!

...But I can't, so here's another song I had the kid who mows my lawn write."
There is more shitty music in this movie than I think I've ever experienced in a film in my life.
"I'd take the stars from the sky so I could give them to you."


"I'd take the stars from the sky because I'm an asshole. Scuse me while I fuck the sky."
"Dawg, you know how many Friday sequels I missed today on TBS to bring you here??"

Ashley finds 9gag more entertaining than this film, apparently. She is WRONG.
Let me get something off of my chest here.

Every time I see one of those fucking Rage comic characters used and abused for the 69597579587598668876545678909876787678765876537876543324243456545676787th time, my eyes bleed everywhere.

It's gross and awful and I'm sorry I brought it up.
This movie has morphed into Moonlight & Mistletoe, without the goofy sentimentality and charm. So basically that just means it's a lot of whining about being old and useless. Kind of like Skyfall.
It's unnerving to come in here after ten minutes and see that you were reading my computer screen over my shoulder :ohmy:
This has been great reading. :lol:

Oh dear lord. I see there's even a song called Die Young. I'd say I wish she'd do that, but then she'd get mythologised. So I hope she grows old, becomes a mean alcoholic, goes into rehab, finds religion, makes a heap of really really shitty praise Jaaayyssus albums and everybody forgets about her.

Incidentally, I'm making an end of the world playlist right now. Anybody got an MP3 of The Final Countdown they can send me?
This has been great reading. :lol:

Oh dear lord. I see there's even a song called Die Young. I'd say I wish she'd do that, but then she'd get mythologised. So I hope she grows old, becomes a mean alcoholic, goes into rehab, finds religion, makes a heap of really really shitty praise Jaaayyssus albums and everybody forgets about her.

Incidentally, I'm making an end of the world playlist right now. Anybody got an MP3 of The Final Countdown they can send me?


The Ke$ha version would have God sticking His finger down her throat while she's vomiting glitter everywhere.

And sorry, I don't have a copy of The Final Countdown lying around anywhere. I don't know what's wrong with me.
So Eve isn't interested in marrying this dude anymore. She's getting drunk a lot and hitting on girls instead. Careful now, Hallmark.

Shit, her guardian angel is talking through the TV. This is fucking terrifying.
I wish you Aussies would write more often about the shitty, shitty TV they have over there. But I don't know why you would ever watch TV in the first place.
Damn, cop, relax. It's not her fault that she's intoxicated; her friends held up the beer bong for her.
I wish you Aussies would write more often about the shitty, shitty TV they have over there. But I don't know why you would ever watch TV in the first place.

I tried making threads about bad Australian shows back in the day, but nobody else joined in because they're terrible. But hey, if you want a Being Lara Bingle thread, I'm all for it. (that's the name of that show, right?)
I tried making threads about bad Australian shows back in the day, but nobody else joined in because they're terrible. But hey, if you want a Being Lara Bingle thread, I'm all for it. (that's the name of that show, right?)

A second season is being "seriously considered," so it can't be that bad, right?

Back to the film: This all white jury is going to screw her hard.
I had no idea until just now that 99 Red Balloons actually has some apocalyptic lyrics.


The Ke$ha version would have God sticking His finger down her throat while she's vomiting glitter everywhere.

I'd pay to see this. :lol:

I wish you Aussies would write more often about the shitty, shitty TV they have over there. But I don't know why you would ever watch TV in the first place.

I'd rather not suffer Neighbours for more than the length of the already excruciating ads Channel 11 likes to afflict upon us during The Simpsons.
I hope Interference never ever ever has a thread about The Shire or The GC.

Was considering a self imposed exile from the forum for a few weeks, this is going to make my decision easier.

I'll stay!

Where would we be without you!
Eve's fiance just invented and eBay at the same time and used the money to get Eve out on bail. The trial was dropped because the movie is almost over.
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