Dong Ha, Vietnam Superthread

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Santa needs to cut back on his cholesterol intake, kids! So choose healthier butter this holiday season, when you bake your cookies.

Also, Santa tweets.

Ya if Santa didn't eat so much butter, he wouldn't be on his death bed dreaming up this weird-ass fever dream movie.
The Christmas spirit was starring you right in the face, all along!

"When a person goes that extra mile for someone else and they have nothing to gain and maybe even something to lose, that's spirit and it has nothing to do with the christmas season or a special reason." - Said no one, ever.

I'm a bit worried about Brokencyde. Unless something astonishing happens in the next 1.5 months, this year will be the first year since 2006 during which the Brokies haven't released an album. I thought 2012 was meant to be the year of the apocalypse too!

Man, don't even stress, Axxo. They're just taking some time to toke it all up again.
You know, the rules say that I'm supposed to rape and pillage your household and wipe your memory, but I'm not sure that applies to Hallmark movies.
Santa Jr., you idiot! It can't snow in San Diego, they have NO IDEA how to handle it. You just killed hundreds of people and animals in one fell swoop.

The End
Some images from Google:



In the second film of our Hallmark doubleheader, a cynical yuppie doesn't understand the meaning of Christmas and shit happens that leads her to regain her holiday spirit.

This also applies to the third and fourth films being shown tonight.
Next movie: Eve's Christmas - A Woman gets a second chance to rethink a fateful decision.

Starting off with a bang, she's a business-woman, very busy. And dating her boss, it seems.

Also, this film's mixing is horrific. Damn surround sound!

Also, Also, you can't buy front row tickets to a Bruce Spingsteen concert, Eve. It's a GA pit :tsk:
I am NOT drunk.

I am NOT slurring my words.

Ok...maybe I'm a little....buzzed.
Why am I not happy?

Because you're drunk.

I do not get drunk!

(Really Eve, it's because you lack Christmas spirit, I promise it'll be all better in 127 minutes)
I am 25 years old, Eve, but I've known you for 30 years, and I know that you're a real asshole when you're drunk.
A homeless dude with a useless astronomy degree just pointed out the oft-overlooked Christmas Star to Michelle Pfeiffer. She couldn't give him money because she spent it all on cats.
She wished on the Christmas Star.

She wished for more cats.

The Christmas Star said fuck no and sent her back to the future.
Dear Christmas Star,

My life sucks.

I wish I could do it all over again.

The director of this film asked the editor to include every editing gimmick known to man if possible.

The editor obliged.
Instead of paying a kid blow pops to play the younger version of yuppie bastard, they're going to have a 40 year old hit on junior high kids.

Great movie
I love that this film and 13 going on 30 were contemporaneous. Seeings how they're the same damn film, but in reverse.

The homeless man who told her to wish on the Christmas Star is some sort of omniscient angel!
In a completely-totally-fuck-yes awesome twist, the black homeless dude with the afro is her guardian angel.
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