Detroit Rock City

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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She went to bed, but SAVE IT... I am trying to talk both of them into going...

Yes, I get around :flirt:
Well, could you pleaaaaaaaaaase make sure you pleaaaaaaase put Lies as second on the waiting list in case April can't make it

I am off to bed too... I will let you know if I see anything :)

Night kiddies! :kiss:
This is gonna be one serious party if we all do the 3 shows :drool: :drool:

Ok, now I am really gone! :wink:
I'm terrible:



There, now I've got you buttered up.....

....what say you to me borrowing your car this weekend? I only have to drive two hours on Friday afternoon...and then two hours back Sunday early afternoon...and in the middle there would be some girls kidnapping me and taking me to a U2 concert.....but that's not important now is it?....I will even have it full of gas upon it's return and leave you bus money as a reimbursement....


you're kidnapping me, OK?
I can do that! :hyper:

*goes to get the emergency kidnap kit*

I always have one handy! :D

And I'm not really here :shifty:
Can I ask a question here:

What "ellipse scanning" friend plans have anyone made?

I'm assuming whoever takes this ticket I have will allow either Mark or myself to come into the ellipse with them if they should scan....

Is that ok...April....LivLuv....and hell LivLuv you have to start operating on a first name basis here!! LOL

What about everyone else...what if you scan Miroslava...or anyone else for that matter?
I have made no plans cause ultimately it depends on who's near you in line, but yes, i'm all for us dragging as many of our people in... I heard that the rules for bringing people in are a little bit more lax now, specially for those scanning in early...

My only "problem" is Detroit 2, that is when my boss, my best friend and her husband will be going to the show, but will not be camping... I have told them that I will not be able to save them spots, but still, not sure how that is going to work out for scanning purposes and if I am supposed to try to bring some of them in with me if I scan in, specially if they're quite a few people behind :huh:

But I'll worry about that on Tuesday :happy:
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I suppose :hmm: Though I think we're past the point of no return... :lol:

Do it April! Do it!!! Let's go!! :hyper:
Re: Boomchakalaka!!!!!

gabrielvox said:
BOOM FUCKING CHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pittsburg - confirmed

Detroit 1 - confirmed

Detroit 2 - confirmed


nowhere to stay Sat after Pittsburg yet, but hell, I figure there must be a party goin on SOMEWHERE...

or are we making one???? Ladies?!?!?!

:combust: :hyper:

oh im soooo happy!!!!

EDIT: oh Miroslava.........please merge this into Detroit Rock City Im a dumbass when Im excited :D

Just got to the office...........this is awesome Gabriel, I hope I get to meet you and all the girls. I'm so excited!

As it stands, my plans are changing by the minute. The better half is convincing me to do the camping thing. His point "you may never have another chance like this ". So he pulls out his artic sleeping bag from his military days.......and says..."you can do it babe!" :love:

I'm not making any promises yet....I still need to figure out the "am I too old to do this"...

Man, my heart is pounding out of my chest......I can't believe how excited I am..........
Re: Re: Boomchakalaka!!!!!

miomiele1 said:

Just got to the office...........this is awesome Gabriel, I hope I get to meet you and all the girls. I'm so excited!

As it stands, my plans are changing by the minute. The better half is convincing me to do the camping thing. His point "you may never have another chance like this ". So he pulls out his artic sleeping bag from his military days.......and says..."you can do it babe!" :love:

I'm not making any promises yet....I still need to figure out the "am I too old to do this"...

Man, my heart is pounding out of my chest......I can't believe how excited I am..........

That's great, girl! You can do eeeeeeeeeeeeeeet! :hyper:
Do it! Do it! Do it! :hyper:

How many people have gotten the Do it! From me in the last 3 days? :lmao:
The last time I had 5 days of U2-ey goodness I:

1. Had a microphone shoved in my face by Bono at Toronto 4 and embarrased myself by forgetting how to speak spanish

2. Spoke with Bono and told him I was an eejit and forgot how to speak Spanish before Chicago 1

3. Bono in his awesomeness shoved a microphone in my face again and told me to speak spanish again during Chicago 1

4. Got my dance and got a microphone shoved in my face again during Chicago 2


It's someone else's turn to have The Best Week EVER and I'd love to be there to watch it! :hyper:
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