Lazarus! Your list!
Firstly, I'd like to add to whoever said... I've thoroughly enjoyed all the lists so far, really great listening. High quality stuff.
If there's such thing as "vintage Axver" then this list was vintage Laz. Prince. Bowie. Steely Dan. Dylan. Eclectic. Weird-ass b-sides of b-sides of b-sides from big-name artists, songs from artists you've never heard of and aren't sure really exist, stuff in French.
I think I vastly preferred part one to part two. I do wish I'd re-read your paragraph, because for some reason I thought the first part was meant to be more to do with beats, so a couple tracks threw me off, but no biggie. Definitely nailed the rhythm part. I know next to nothing about Kiss, the Ace Frehey track was a good catchy little tune, sounded like one of a million artists I'd hear on a classic rock station, but enjoyed it for sure. The first track I really liked was the John Mellencamp one, which suggests to me, along with my recent post about his music, that I really need to check out more of his music. Sounds quite a bit different to his big hits, too. Enjoyed the next little run that was more soul-inspired.
The Steely Dan track, was, to no surprise, fucking fantastic to my ears. I really, really need to invest more into them, learning about them, consuming stuff, getting all the records. I just fucking love their sound so much man. Fagen's vocals are a dream and the music is just always so well-considered and constructed. I'd love to know which other tracks Becker produced on this list?
The transition into Coppers was well done. Well Prepared, I don't know what you were thinking here.

That was fucking horrible, I absolutely hated it. It stuck out like dogs balls, not only sonically, but because it was a well-known song (a riff on one) in a list full of lesser-known tracks. It couldn't have come to an end sooner.
Sinead track was terrific, and from this point on I loved everything. Gaga track was good fun, Bigger the Punch was good, Ova Nova was definitely my highlight - really need to check out Underworld a lot more (I had Born Slippy Nuxx in my list for a long time!) - Queen was great, sounded like the sort of thing Bloc Party would be inspired by, both it and Dead Against It. Cool finish with a rarer Bowie track, never heard the full soundtrack, only the sublime Strangers When We Meet.
Part two I kind of felt however suffered from too much of the same thing, all of the songs were good, but most were a little too stylistically similar for me. Kind of like parts of Ax and LM's lists, where it's a genre I quite like, but a lot of 'nice' 'enjoyable' without things standing out enough to really capture my attention.
Quite enjoyed Sketches - that main lyric really sticks in your head. Quite liked the Jayhawks track, had flourishes of Stones and Hunky Dory that I enjoyed. Neil Diamond is my mum's favourite artist ever, I recognised the voice and style immediately, it was cool to have that pop up in a list as his music has always come across as quite lame. This didn't really shift my opinion, but I'm glad you went for it, decent tune. The Bob Dylan song was quite good. Enjoyed that. Also dug Why'd You Want Me, Don't Touch That Dial.
Lonesome Tonight was a terrific closer, not heard it, not heard much from New Order, really enjoyed it. Overall, your playlist was a great listen and I came away from it with lots of stuff to follow up on and I will try to give them both an extra listen. Great job man!