Come By Chance, Newfoundland and Labrador, Superthread

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Ok, for some reason the Tom Petty list just stopped playing, so I've started a new one based on "Come Talk To Me" By Peter Gabriel, but I've REALLY gotta stop posting and start reading

I saw a Capt Kirk action Figure from Wrath of Khan. I almost bought it. It was only 3 bucks. I thought of you at least...
Ian. :)

15d. I always get 15d when I want to say hello to you.
Hey Andrew :wave:

Zup? - I can't say I'm in love with Starflyer yet. I gave up about 3 tracks into Silver (It was late at night). It starts of nicely, but eh I dunno. Need a proper listen when I'm in the mood.

Well their first three albums aren't exactly accessible. I'd recommend listening to Talking Voice Vs. Singing Voice, Leave Here A Stranger, or Old.
I'm listening to I Am The Portuguese Blues right now and while rocking nicely, it's pretty fucking poppy.
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