Cockburn Street, Edinburgh, Scotland Superthread

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Still gutted and it's worse now that I should be at Hanging Rock. Sydney tickets way too expensive on ebay and what happens if they cancel Sydney as well? The cheapest we found was $450 each.

Oh well, looks like the Stone will forever remain on my bucket list. :sigh:
I have changed my address so I can vote for the Greens in Brunswick (if my enrollment changes in time..?). I still cannot fucking believe it has never been Green.
Good man. I think you're in time - rolls close on the 12th if I remember correctly. Let's do this thing and turn Brunswick green.
Where have you been, Bonnie!

Liam, has Bonnie been in Sydney?
Sorry haven't posted in a while guys, been so busy at work since I got back from Canada, hope everyone is well :wave:

Also a hate my job so much, ready to start counting down the days until my contract is over
Hey John, sorry I haven't been in touch...I've also been super super of these days :sad:.
When did we all get lives.

I hate that I'm so busy on a range of short-term contracts right now, yet long-term there's little on offer. I may want a break and a nice rest at the moment, but I don't want one lasting months and months...!
Hey John, sorry I haven't been in touch...I've also been super super of these days :sad:.

No worries, I've been so busy myself haven't had a chance to think about it!

When did we all get lives.

I hate that I'm so busy on a range of short-term contracts right now, yet long-term there's little on offer. I may want a break and a nice rest at the moment, but I don't want one lasting months and months...!

I'd struggle to call what I have a life, I just have a place I have to be for between 8.5 to 12 hours a day.

Got a new CPU for my computer today! Got excited until I realised I won't have time to uninstall it until Friday, one day delivery is nice though. Annual work table quiz tomorrow, concert on Thursday
I feel that way about work these days, even though I enjoy what I do...who'da thought.
I generally like my work - though I'm posting here right now because marking blows. At the moment I'd dearly love a job with paid leave so that I could take a good couple of weeks off though...
I get leave with my job at least! Considering how little we get paid for the hours we work though it probably evens out

Pretty sure per hour I can end up under minimum wage with the overtime, woo accountancy, less money in it than McDonald's pobably
The marking pay appears good at first sight, but when you consider how quickly they expect you to mark, any diligent marker gets paid pretty fucking poorly.
I remember a five minute stint marking essays just after I finished a bachelor degree many millions of years ago. They jettisoned me quick smart for my sardonic notes in the margins and consistent low grading (and also I was too slow).
I have to bite my tongue so often in marking this stuff.

I keep reminding myself (very frequently) that people are more likely to take a critique to heart and improve their work if it is phrased in a positive way rather than presented as insulting or snide.
I have to bite my tongue so often in marking this stuff.

I keep reminding myself (very frequently) that people are more likely to take a critique to heart and improve their work if it is phrased in a positive way rather than presented as insulting or snide.

That's very true and in reality, I hate some of how I acted in that brief and never-to-be-repeated stint long ago.

Though it did leave me with a strong sense of how many people attending university probably shouldn't really be there (including me, arguably; while I don't regret it, that period had precisely zero bearing on how I earn a living now), and what a world of trouble we are storing up in being the kind of world (partly due to economic factors, partly plain credentialism) where that needs to be so.
Has Melbourne started with the "assigning 950 word essays to first and second years so they don't have to pay markers" trend?

Not sure what you mean? Most history courses have two essays, 2,500 and 1,500. Some have short assessments, even as short as 500 words, but they still have to pay markers. You just get a bit ripped off. We get paid a base rate that assumes 4,000 words per hour - so if you're marking 2,000 word essays it's only two per hour and that's fairly manageable. But when it's 500 word essays, that's eight an hour and very difficult because the time taken to write feedback isn't that much shorter. I tend to think any assessment below 1,500 words is a ripoff.

That's very true and in reality, I hate some of how I acted in that brief and never-to-be-repeated stint long ago.

Though it did leave me with a strong sense of how many people attending university probably shouldn't really be there (including me, arguably; while I don't regret it, that period had precisely zero bearing on how I earn a living now), and what a world of trouble we are storing up in being the kind of world (partly due to economic factors, partly plain credentialism) where that needs to be so.

It really worries me the calibre of material we pass on a daily basis. Often the problem is not so much the intellectual content, but appalling writing ability and a lack of motivation to achieve. I hate marking essays by people who clearly could do an acceptable job but instead throw together some slop with minimal research, because they know they'll still scrape through with a pass. Good writing skills and any awareness of how to structure an argument are all too rare.

I think university should be open to anybody who wishes to attend, but we have reached a point where many people attend not because they want to, not because it bears directly on their career or intellectual ambitions, but because they are either expected to attend or aren't entirely sure what to do with their lives so they just fall into it and sleepwalk through apathetically. I want to teach students who actually want to be here. It's frustrating how few of them seem to show that sort of desire.

(As a sidenote, it amazes me how many people I know have gone on to postgrad study because they STILL don't know what to do with their life after undergrad. They have no intention of becoming an academic, they are studying something with no clear focus on a career, and just seem to want to stay in the university cocoon.)
At MQ, markers only get paid if an essay is over 1,000 words in length. The Ancient History department has taken to putting assessments out in multiple parts of <1000 words in order to avoid paying tutors (because of the amount of students taking their subjects.)

So, if I were an Ancient History tutor, instead of marking twenty 2,500 word essays, I'd be marking sixty 800 word Part As for an assessment, my colleague would mark sixty Part Bs, etc etc.
I think university should be open to anybody who wishes to attend, but we have reached a point where many people attend not because they want to, not because it bears directly on their career or intellectual ambitions, but because they are either expected to attend or aren't entirely sure what to do with their lives so they just fall into it and sleepwalk through apathetically. I want to teach students who actually want to be here. It's frustrating how few of them seem to show that sort of desire.

Yes, this is what I was getting at.

Also, I'm very leery of the conflation of learning per se, and university. You don't have to go and spend $50,000 to read books on something that interests you. I realise that is a separate issue to a career in something, just saying.

In fairness to your history students, they're probably just forced to take certain units, right? As part of the larger degree they are ostensibly there for? I mean I did well in politics/history related subjects because it really interested me, but I barely stumbled through Human Resources/ Org Behaviour type subjects because I did not care about, and in fact actively despised them and everything about them. Accounting, the less said the better. The people who marked me, and (just) passed me, probably saw an apathetic student, and they were correct.

(As a sidenote, it amazes me how many people I know have gone on to postgrad study because they STILL don't know what to do with their life after undergrad. They have no intention of becoming an academic, they are studying something with no clear focus on a career, and just seem to want to stay in the university cocoon.)

I guess that can have its appeal, as a course of action.
I did a BA; we had a mandatory People unit (which was a group of humanities subjects organised by some unknown criteria) and a mandatory Planet unit (a group of science subjects that had generally had less math and focused more on demonstrable science than theroetical work). They also now have a Participation unit, which focuses on community work, but I didn't have to do that. Both have to be outside of your majors, so I couldn't just do a History or a Philosophy unit for them.

I did Psychology of Music for the former, and squeezed through a pass, partially because I was lazy at that point, and partially because 50% of the mark was a group assessment and I had a bad group. Poor unit design, I think - I did really well on all of the theoretical side and on the final exam, but the group assignment just was not well done on any part.

I did Astrophysics for the latter and did decently well, but that was because I was in the last semester and wanted to get something out of it. It was pretty tough considering I hadn't done math in five years, though.

Aside from that, each major has a Capstone unit, which is intended to be the culmination of what you'd have learned so far. (I did two - one was like this, one was "fuck you this is Philosophy of Mind part 2, too bad if you didn't do it.") Aside from that, complete freedom.
I liked the idea of university as a way of transitioning from living with my parents to living on my own. But, in the end, I also attended grad school, basically because I still didn't quite know what to do with myself.
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