Cockburn Street, Edinburgh, Scotland Superthread

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There's going to be another album soon, apparently.

inb4 omg another 5 years!1!!!

Ahem, excuse me:

And I love that Bono's now blabbed about some Songs of Experience second album. He's got the "there'll be another new album!" in before we've even heard the first one, good job! I can't wait for it to come out in 2023.
Seriously... they wouldn't let him post that shit on their official site if there's not at least something to it, right?

Oh wait, it's Forget I said anything.
Songs of Ascent has U2girl as the only producer though.

The only message in the liner notes will be "GOYB is a Vertigo rewrite"

Ahem, excuse me:

You've taken it to another stratosphere with the 9 year prediction. But this sounds a bit more ~stable~ because it came in some sort of letter and not some throwaway quip from an interview, and that nerd acknowledged his big mouth so ...
Every Breaking Wave has a total With or Without You thing at the intro.

Yep. I remember previews of No Line on the Horizon saying that as well.

The only message in the liner notes will be "GOYB is a Vertigo rewrite"

That and "Passengers is not a U2 album no matter how much you want it to be!". She actually sent me a PM once with that line. Never did reply.
Gave the first half of the album another listen on the way into work. Good god California is a dud, and Liam's nailed Song for Someone.

Songs of Ascent has U2girl as the only producer though.


Every Breaking Wave has a total With or Without You thing at the intro.

I forgot to remark earlier that the start of EBW had a really familiar vibe. Also, I listened to the live version only a couple of times so I have no idea how this new version is different to the early versions. But I'm sure everybody's getting tied up in knots about it on EYKIW!

That and "Passengers is not a U2 album no matter how much you want it to be!". She actually sent me a PM once with that line. Never did reply.

Oh no way, that's classic.

I'm out guys! Promise I'll be back again in less than three years this time! :wave:

You better return sooner!

One of my colleagues is a metal fan, he said "that's nothing mate" :lol:

Did you emerge with any injuries?

Because one of the best gigs I've been to was the final metal gig at the East Brunswick Club. A few of us were very drunk and formed a pit up the front. Next morning I woke up with a few cuts and bruises and wondered how that happened...
I'd be pretty pissed if I lost my shoes to be honest! But then I don't own many shoes and I hate shoe shopping.
Oh well in that case yeah I'd give zero shits too!

Back to the new U2, am I the only person who finds that breathing sound in the first half of Raised By Wolves really annoying?
I am making my annual appearance because i'm about to listen to the new album. Until now i truly thought the whole thing was a joke but no, they done it...
EBW sounds more and more like WOWY every time I hear it. I've actually come to think it's one of the better songs on the album though.

I want an instrumental version of this and I'm only on the second song. Shut the hell up Bono.

I would be so down with this. Edge is on.
I can't wait for Charlotte to hear (the intro to California).
Should the album come with a credit of California / Barbara Ann (snippet), because it's soooo obvious what he's plagiarising.
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