clearly i'm an idiot.

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Rock n' Roll Doggie FOB
Oct 27, 2001
back and to the left
yeah, well at least when it comes to math. my act scores were...umm...shall we say low? and my math composite score was 13. yeah...i suck at math. so, i get a letter from my university today saying that i have to take math 021 next year. as in, "this is pre-algebra and it doesn't count for a credit, but you sure gotta pay for it." :mad: :( i don't know why this upsets me so much, i know i'm TERRIBLE at math, but, this just hurts the ol'self esteem a bit.
Math is evil. You don't need it in real life unless you do something math-related (I'm so insightful!). And standardized tests aren't a good indication of anything. Look at this way, you're taking an easy math class. And by the time you've finished it, I will have taken over the world and outlawed math anyway. :)
I did horrible on my ACTs too... especially in math. Ok I've always been horrible in math. Your uni bases what math you have to take on your ACTs? For U of A we had to take a separate placement test... Anyway, see about taking college algebra at a community college or something. Like, pass/fail..? I don't think I'm helping.

The moral is: I hate math with a passion.
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:eyebrow: Lilly, Lilly, Lilly...would you PLEASE give yourself a break? You know damn well you are not an idiot. You are a very, very smart girl but you can't be perfect in everything. Everyone has a weakness and if your's happens to be math, so be it. Stop beating yourself up. :kiss:

*obviously from all me edits, my weakness is spelling :D
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Oh know and I know that you are a smart cookie, so don't let the bastards drag you down!

oh btw, what are you up to this weekend? Call me!
Awwwww...don't sweat it! You can't be good at everything!

I had a lower math score as well when I took it 3 years ago...I think I had like a 17, but I had like a 30 in overall composite I think was 26.

That meant that I was advised to take MTH 097 (Intermediate Algebra)...I didn't have to, but I figured I could use a stepping stone course before plunging in, since I hated math. The instructor was an ass who predicted on the first day that over half of us would fail...he actually bragged about his high failure rate! That pissed me off though and motivated me, and I got an A+. But then I transferred schools, and since that class was below the 100 level, it didn't transfer. Blarg. *lol* :D

Takin' a lower math class like that never hurts helped reinforce what I already knew and allowed me to polish my math skills.
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I don't know if this helps you besides all the other nice posts already :), but today I got a maths test back and I got a D though I was completely sure I'd get that fucking test right......*sniff*.......D doesn't sound that bad, but for me it does...... :(
And, hey, in former times my standard mark was - without lying - an E. It was funny to really try to give the best and in the end you realize that you still suck. :lol:
MissVelvetDress_75 said:
but your future you is now working in finance, so your future in math can't be too bad. :tongue:

thank goodness i scandalized myself to death in pleba...else i woulda had to live that future... :eek:
*Giggles and rubs hands together in a sinister fashion*

(Inner Monolouge Speaking)"ONE thing I may be academically better at than Lilly!!!!" :tongue:

*kicks mini-devil off left shoulder*
JK that certainly sucks fer ya girl!! But let me tell ya your like one of the most intellectualy (and sarcastically) privileged people I''ve met. So hang in there! who cares if you can't, like, "ADD" or "SUBTRACT" or whatever! Math- shmath! If you want I can tutor you.....I only charge $35 per hour..... :mac:
You are NOT an idiot! I had a gap of almost 200 points between my SAT verbal and math scores. And I, too, had to take Math for Dummies at my own college, and I, too, survived it with my GPA (largely) unscathed. Good luck, and remember--math blows.
ah, the ol' subject o' math....well, i USED to HATE HATE HATE HATEEEEEEEEEEEE math......but, then..... i got a cooooooool/ awesome/ stupendous/super-radious teacher and i've had him for 2 yrs. & next yr. making it 3 yrs. in a row!
i wish everyone could have a teacher like him; super cool guy!:D
great teachers make all the difference! (and believe you me, i could give a shit about teachers before, but, there are decent ones out there!)
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Lilly, no one on earth no matter how hard they will try, could be worse at Math than me. In the 11 years or so that I studied Math (I got as far as calculus and trigo), I have driven the most patient and kind-hearted teachers ever into madness and anger. I still remember when I first learned (or tried to, har har) to multiply negative integers (wow, haven't heard that word in ages). Even then I enquired, "But why does it come out a positive number? Why? WHY? WHY?" My question was always the dreadful 'Why' because I simply could not advance further without understanding the fundamental things. Eventually, after 11 years (I am quick to react), I wanted to stop hearing people say 'Don't think, just do', and I dropped my maths subject 6 months before my major exam (equivalent of your SATs I think). Everyone, from family to teachers, said I was a quitter, but I had had enough. To this day, I have never had the need to differentiate a darn curve equation.

rant over. no advice whatsoever.

foray :D
TWIN!!! i can help you on this one...math was my highest act score. i took calc this year, and it sucked, but i think i can send you my math least the extra ones...i'd send 'em all, but i might need some if i didn't pass the ap test...*crosses fingers*...

*sends the math vibes*

so, got any extra english vibes?
zonelistener said:
In the grander scheme of things....these tests will mean very little. A trip to Savers will cure all evil.

*does the savers happy dance*

what, you may ask, in the hell is the savers happy dance? well, i'll show you when we FINALLY GO TO SAVERS! :mad:
Stories for Boys said:
so, got any extra english vibes?

*sends you summaries of over 42 novels*

exposition: background information on a character.

symbol: something that stands in for something else. see "the great gatsby" and the green light within it.

rising action: as the story progresses, more plot and character should be revealed, the period in which they intensify is the rising action.

climax: no, come on now! this is when all the action happens..oedipus kills his pa...romeo and juliet die...etc...

falling action: anything that happens after the climax.

uhh...i think i got PLENTY of english to spare. that and apricots, want one?
Okay, if we want to talk about idiots.....

I dropped my cell phone into my drink tonight and now it's BROKEN!!!! Clearly I'm an idiot. I am soo angry with myself right now. gah! I have to go out and buy a new one tomorrow. All my phone numbers were stored in it and now I have to start all friggin over again. This is such a hassle. More money I'm wasting; I should just set fire to what I make and save myself the trouble. I am so aggrevated right now. It's okay not to know a lot of math but dropping a phone in a drink is beyond dumb. :mad: :mad: :mad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

PS. the math scores on my ACT and SAT brought my overall score way down. I feel your pain. but I was good at geometry, I guess that uses the other half of your brain....I too, had the "why??!!" problem. The thing is, I really like math, I like to work through the steps and get the right answer. The problem is I can't apply anything I learned. Oh well, I guess that's why I majored in History and Political Science. :D
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A good teacher does matter!! I suck at math too... I believe I'm quite smart :)D) in other subjects, but when it comes to math... Hm... I almost fail in every tests/exams. :mad: :sad:

But last year when I was in secondary 4 (That's =grade 10 I think??), my math teacher was both a very great person and teacher... although I still failed in almost every math test, but at least I became interested in math and I actually like calculus!! (Yep foray... I love to differentiate a darn curve equation. :D) And thanks to calculus, I got a pass in my math exam. :tongue:
Actually, I use math a TON in my work, but then, I'm a geeky scientist. :D

When I took the ACT's, a couple hundred years ago (when Shakespeare himself was able to tutor me in English), I recall doing very well in math - in the 30's. Oddly enough, I remember my science score being low - something like 19. The irony is that I'm a scientist. ;) Therefore, don't let these silly tests bug you. What I recall of the test, the science part basically was just silly reading comprehension and didn't truly test one's science skills, which is why the test is bogus. I knew one guy who got high 20's and low 30's in English, Science and Social Science. But had a 0 in math. That's right - a 0! He retook the test but got a 4 in math. This was a bright guy, who clearly had a math phobia. I also knew a woman who had something like a 30 in science yet never took a single science class in her life. Worse, her overall ACT score was a 13! When I saw all of these results, I was convinced that the ACT test was invalid. Yet colleges still use it - hopefully it's better than when I took it so many years ago.

Regardless, don't worry about your math score and having to take this test. It will only boost your confidence and skills.

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