"but time won't take the boy out of this man"

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Rock n' Roll Doggie VIP PASS
Nov 30, 2003
On an open cluster called Pleiades
what a sentence, isn't it?? i think there's the whole bono's vitality, all his will to live and to be happy of living. it just gives a lot of energy listening to this verse, it gives me optimism and will to go out and shout my happiness of living. bono may have a few lines on his face, but the joy of his soul is inexhaustible, isn't it?
bono, you're great!
and so, what do they do live? play three tunes from boy.... clever.
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I agree on it, he's a poet. i don't know he seems to take oput all those marvelous quotes so easy! i can't do that! that's why I admire him!
A very inspirational line and spot on about Bono. Just look at him.....the boyish glint in his eye has never diminished!

Its what we should all aspire to. :heart:
Its true isn't it, no matter how old we get, there'll always be a bit of a child in us, whether we want it or not!!
Bono has a great knack for capturing a lot in just a few short phrases or sentences.

"but time won't take the boy out of this man" - 1 sentence but it encompasses an entire discussion on trying to stay young at heart and have some fun even when you are growing older and have lots more to worry about and many more "grown up" things to do.

Job well done !:up:
A sensational lyric. It seems sometimes men are afraid to admit such a thing, but it's really something to be proud of. I still hold onto and cherish quite a few things from my childhood days. Things that trigger my boyish imagination, like an old box of comics for instance. I like to remember my self when I was that young, when it seemed I had a boundless imagination.

This theme is one of the reasons that I think "Bomb" is one of their finer albums.
Yes!! Well said babyman! I love this line and I agree with you all.

It's what makes him so irresistible - the boyish charm and the idealism and optimism that shine through in his lyrics and his life.

More power to you Bono!

What a great thread! :up:
B.B King would still say to him, "Those are some mighty heavy lyrics from such a young man!"

I like to think about what his mind is going to come up with when he is really older, like 70 or so. U2 has, for the past 25 years, done away with many of the conventions of rock that had been established before. Performing and writing rock music in your 70's may be another one.

That was something I was looking forward to with so many other's like John Lennon. Maybe U2 will be the ones to do it. Should be interesting if they do. Bono zipping around the stage in a motorized wheelchair! Anyway, I'll bet his words and wisdom on old-age things will be really great.

And some are saying NO WAY do we want old rockers! And I say "Why not?" Why only old bluesman? I think the form of rock can accomodate old age. And I'm not talking about concerts only by old men. I'm talking great new music, new albums, new ideas.
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