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Oh man, this is the same love interest as the guy from Moonlight and Mistletoe. He gave up a seven-figure salary to stand up cardboard reindeer in parking lots.
"My dad...he's always wanted me to take over the family business."

Figuring out the twist to this movie is like

They make toys..... I told you.

Oh my god.... Can the movie be more transparent?
"You treated everyone in town today...you're really getting the hang of this!"

"Nah, I just don't give a shit."
Man, the patients are faking their injuries. Are they just giving her a line of patients to keep her happy and busy so she doesn't notice she's IN THE NORTH POLE?!

I bet they brought her there to Wed the future Santa. This is really sinister.
But they get cell and internet reception, even though no one can find the place.
Ok, this is great. I didn't expect this. I thought this was just going to be a generic romcom. I love it.
I don't want to help an animal! I'm not a veterinarian! I don't know what I'm doing.

Ok, if you didn't catch the twist with this scene, I feel bad for you... Will rudy be ready by Christmas eve? Derp derp derp
I'm telling you, it's that they're keeping her there to marry the new Santa.
So...wait...they can't receive mail...yet the coffee lady promised her "special order" 2% milk?

That's reindeer milk.
CC is now pregnant with the son of future Santa.

She now craves milk, cookies and raw reindeer meat.
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