Bono Undergoes Surgery

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I have a question: If Bono's been having back pain and disk problems for so long, does this kind of surgery fix it so that he can be pain-free now? Someone in another thread said that what happened to him was the final stage of disk deterioration. If he's gotten to the last stage and had it fixed, does that solve the problem? I'm just curious, because it would seem like a bummer to still have to deal with back pain after all of this and it would be great for him to have a healthier back than he's had for years.
I don't know in Bono's case, but in my case the recuperation was painful, I am much better now, I don't have the pain going down my legs, sometimes it hurts round the area of the surgery, but it's because of the internal scar, nothing to do with what I was having before and I feel much safer now because I know that the disk has been reinforced and is not in danger of breaking up. This kind of surgery has many risks, that's why doctors use it as the last option, but the results for me are espectacular, I hope it is the same for him.
Hi Marien,

I glad that your surgery went well. :hug:

Your are right.....there are always risk. That is why it should never be taken lightly.
I don't know in Bono's case, but in my case the recuperation was painful, I am much better now, I don't have the pain going down my legs, sometimes it hurts round the area of the surgery, but it's because of the internal scar, nothing to do with what I was having before and I feel much safer now because I know that the disk has been reinforced and is not in danger of breaking up. This kind of surgery has many risks, that's why doctors use it as the last option, but the results for me are espectacular, I hope it is the same for him.

Marien, Happy to hear that all is well with you .I did not have the same situation as you ,but ,years ago, I experienced intense back pain , which I ignored. Nobody can really understand , unless they themselves have gone through the pain that the sciatic nerve can cause. (the sciatic nerve is a broad term , because it consists of smaller nerves). This is not like "oh my back hurts" ..when the nerve flares up ... it was like lightning bolts shooting through you .Sitting standing,walking ,moving was extremely painful.I saw a fantastic Doctor in NY and he opted for therapy , operating WAS the last resort.I was lucky enough ,with a year of intense physical therapy , it "cured" it for me. I still have to be careful, I still have to exercise and make sure that I don't sit or stand in one position too long , because all it takes is one wrong move and a nerve can get caught.
So to all those that have not gone through this ,nobody can tell from a photo of Bono , what he is going through.I wish him well,and hope he recovers quickly. It's amazing when you don't have that PAIN shooting through you .
Marien, Happy to hear that all is well with you .I did not have the same situation as you ,but ,years ago, I experienced intense back pain , which I ignored. Nobody can really understand , unless they themselves have gone through the pain that the sciatic nerve can cause. (the sciatic nerve is a broad term , because it consists of smaller nerves). This is not like "oh my back hurts" ..when the nerve flares up ... it was like lightning bolts shooting through you .Sitting standing,walking ,moving was extremely painful.I saw a fantastic Doctor in NY and he opted for therapy , operating WAS the last resort.I was lucky enough ,with a year of intense physical therapy , it "cured" it for me. I still have to be careful, I still have to exercise and make sure that I don't sit or stand in one position too long , because all it takes is one wrong move and a nerve can get caught.
So to all those that have not gone through this ,nobody can tell from a photo of Bono , what he is going through.I wish him well,and hope he recovers quickly. It's amazing when you don't have that PAIN shooting through you .

I'm so glad that therapy worked for you. :hug: And thank you for pointing out. That this type of injury, even after it heals. There are still limitations.

Facing back surgery is very frightening. Things can go wrong and cause other problems that didn't exist before hand. I know exactly how it feels. To have problems with the sciatic nerve. It is a horrible, gut wrenching pain. And you are right. It is not the same thing as, "oh, my back feels stiff." And will be fine in a day or two. Pinched or compressed Sciatic Nerve takes much longer than that to heal. It can take a year.

Walking with a cane or walker is no fun either. I was in so much pain. I had to do this. For the first six weeks. Just to get to the bathroom. I was flat on my back. As the torn ligament, surrounding my lumbar disc, healed. And I'm not ashamed of it either. Back injury is never embarrassing. It is a long recovery.
I guess I wouldn't jump to conclusions that this was some sort of "final straw" for Bono. It may have been somewhat unrelated to his previous back pain. In some of the other threads it seemed like some people were mad that Bono didn't "fix" this sooner, but if this really was an "emergency" that occurred during rehearsal, then it's possible he fell or something fell on him or he was somehow injured, unrelated to his other back pain. How do you fix something that isn't broken yet? And even if they were related, surgery is not always an option or a good option. I injured my back when I was a competitive gymnast and never had surgery even though at one point it hurt to simply breathe, but after a year and a half the pain subsided and I have no lasting pain. I could have still taken a bad fall and injured my back at any time that may have required immediate surgery. I also have chronic inflammation in a few of my joints and again surgery is not an option because there is really nothing wrong. It's like having arthritis - there is originally some "trauma" to the joint, but nothing severe like a break, but for whatever reason the body continues to work on the joint causing pain and inflammation. I've had pain in my right foot for six years and when people see me limp on a bad day and ask "what happened?" I have to laugh because it's hurt for SIX years and there's no break, no dislocation, no nothing.
Excellent point Liesje! :hug:

Training in Martial Arts for four years. Believe me. I had my share of pulled muscles, ligaments, spasims and even, a compressed Sciatic Nerve. From a bulging (swollen) disc. Fortunately for me. None of it required surgery. Sciatic problems did force me to retire from Martial Arts. To avoid the greater risk of re-injury. I still have slight pain, numbness, tingling, from time to time. My lumbar disc is still intact. But you are right. Surgery does not fix, soft tissue injury. Rest, then light physical therapy helps.

I agree.....there have been a few. Whom think that somehow Bono, caused his own disc to fragment. Not only is it ridiculous. It is utterly, impossible. It could be due to genetic problem in his family. Spinal curvature, etc, problems always are. Causing him to have a degenerating disc at a younger age, rather than later. We don't know.

Bono's DR. said he was suffering from paralysis. I have no reason to doubt him. This symptom, would indeed, require immediate surgery for anyone. Surgery is always the last option. I really do think Bono did all of the conventional therapy. For years. But, it didn't work. Bono needed the surgery.
I have a question: If Bono's been having back pain and disk problems for so long, does this kind of surgery fix it so that he can be pain-free now? Someone in another thread said that what happened to him was the final stage of disk deterioration. If he's gotten to the last stage and had it fixed, does that solve the problem? I'm just curious, because it would seem like a bummer to still have to deal with back pain after all of this and it would be great for him to have a healthier back than he's had for years.

This is exactly what I've been wondering for weeks now and I'm glad someone else asks the same question, but now I think I've come to this answer with this post :

I guess I wouldn't jump to conclusions that this was some sort of "final straw" for Bono. It may have been somewhat unrelated to his previous back pain. In some of the other threads it seemed like some people were mad that Bono didn't "fix" this sooner, but if this really was an "emergency" that occurred during rehearsal, then it's possible he fell or something fell on him or he was somehow injured, unrelated to his other back pain. How do you fix something that isn't broken yet? And even if they were related, surgery is not always an option or a good option. I injured my back when I was a competitive gymnast and never had surgery even though at one point it hurt to simply breathe, but after a year and a half the pain subsided and I have no lasting pain. I could have still taken a bad fall and injured my back at any time that may have required immediate surgery. I also have chronic inflammation in a few of my joints and again surgery is not an option because there is really nothing wrong. It's like having arthritis - there is originally some "trauma" to the joint, but nothing severe like a break, but for whatever reason the body continues to work on the joint causing pain and inflammation. I've had pain in my right foot for six years and when people see me limp on a bad day and ask "what happened?" I have to laugh because it's hurt for SIX years and there's no break, no dislocation, no nothing.

Benji has also said that dr's do not know what is the best option with these type of injuries and as this young lady also said, we don't know enough about his condition to speculate. I'm sure if Bono could have done something sooner then he would have, because no one likes to be in pain for 9 years. He probably at first saw Dr Muller (the needle guy) knowing his track record with curing Larry's problem and treating athlete's such as Klinnsmann and Ronaldo who for 5 years had suffered on and off with a calve problem. Critics had written him off. I remember one commentator saying that most football reporters agree that a comeback by Ronaldo is about as likely as one by Freddie Mercury. Boy were they proven wrong because in the 2002 world cup Ronaldo was the Golden Boot winner and practcurly wan the trophy single handedly for Brazil, and this was all due to Dr Mullers treatment.

In his autobiography Michael Owen said that he had heard about Dr Mullers unconventional treatment before he went to see him for a hanbdstring problem and even Liverpool's GP went with him to Munich. However it turned out that all his concerns were unfounded because he didn't proclaim to make miracle cures from claf's blood. His has gone to see him many times and he's never witnessed these strange method that you hear. However, Owen has struggled with injuries for years and his seen many dr's in Munich and Harley Street.

Facing back surgery is very frightening. Things can go wrong and cause other problems that didn't exist before hand. I know exactly how it feels. To have problems with the sciatic nerve. It is a horrible, gut wrenching pain. And you are right. It is not the same thing as, "oh, my back feels stiff." And will be fine in a day or two. Pinched or compressed Sciatic Nerve takes much longer than that to heal. It can take a year.

But DR tonn is the head surgeon of the clinic. Neurosurgeons take many years of training before they can take charge of an operation. It's one job that you cannot afford to ever make any mistakes. If a surgeon makes a mistake in Britain they do get a fair trial as this is a democratic country, but the only result is that they struck of the medical register. Patients have enough to deal with yet alone wondering whether their surgeon isn't up to their job. Dr Tonn is head of the clinic which means that he has been doing his job before I was in nappies. Besides during surgey there a number
of different surgeons so the likelyhood of mistakes are extreamely slim. You are more likely to be killed in a road accident then be harmed during this type of uncomplicated routine surgery. Thousands of people die from accidents at home every year. Falling down the stairs is far more dangerous.

Surgeon's who specialise in complicated plastic surgery on patients who suffer from Numa, which is a li9fe threatening flesh eating disease common in South Africa, say that although they always feel a degree of tension before surgery because they have to perform a serious job, but they never doubt or feel nervous about their own abilities to perform a complicated operation.

I am the one who's being possitive. You are the one's being negative. Surgery would have never been a risk with Dr Tonn in charge.

I agree.....there have been a few. Whom think that somehow Bono, caused his own disc to fragment. Not only is it ridiculous. It is utterly, impossible. It could be due to genetic problem in his family. Spinal curvature, etc, problems always are. Causing him to have a degenerating disc at a younger age, rather than later. We don't know.

At first he tried Dr Muller, then during 2006-2007 he tried gentle exercises in the hope that will help strengen muscles and provide better support for his back. In 2009 he had an accident in the bedroom so during the first half of 2010 he'd been undergoing PT. However, he had anothe3r bedroom related accident and because Dr Muller perhaps never suggested that he should undergo PT everyday, it caused his disc to blow. Because if Harry Kewel had back surgery in March and is now able to play in the World Cup, then it's obvious something bizzare was going on for Bono not to seek out surgery sooner.
Because if Harry Kewel had back surgery in March and is now able to play in the World Cup, then it's obvious something bizzare was going on for Bono not to seek out surgery sooner.

But how does one "seek out" surgery for something that hasn't happened yet? That is my point. The only official statements made about Bono's surgery say that he was injured while rehearsing and needed emergency surgery. Say tomorrow I am injured in a work related accident....what could I have done today to "seek out" some surgery to somehow prevent the accident? For all we know, Bono could have fallen off the stage and broken his back then and there, something completely unrelated to previous back pain, something totally different than sciatica, degenerative disease, and all the other diagnoses the armchair doctors have been making on these boards. I'm not saying that's what happened, but the point is that WE don't know and maybe never will, and the official statements about his condition say nothing about him being in pain and undergoing years of previous treatment before "seeking out" surgery for this problem.
^ that was how, I read it too.

Again, You have made another great point.

How can you seek treatment for something that hasn't happened yet?
Bono's famous for falling off the stage. He probably fell off the stage or lost his grip on his Ultraviolet mic and fell. He could've just bent over wrong since he's previously had back problems. Who knows? Something new happened to B and caused an additional injury that required surgery. This wasn't like Larry's back problems that stretched from the Joshua Tree/Lovetown tour until he gave in and had surgery in 1995.
That is what. i was thinking, too. Reggo.

He had a fall. Possibly, while hanging on to the Ultraviolet mic and losing his grip. This would certainly explain, the blunt force trauma to his back. And could have very possibly cause a piece of an already herniated, slightly brittle disc, to fragment, into the spinal canal. Bono needed emergency surgery. There was no other course of treatment for him. Thank God, all has gone well.

It wasn't a knee problem. No way!

Bono is not a stupid man. Injuries can happen to anyone of us.
^ But Edge said he doesn't know exactly how it happened and that Bono injured himself during preparations for the tour, that he was probably "overdoing it" because he was trying to get fit. So I don't think it was during rehearsals, sounds more like work-out, otherwise Edge and the band would have been present when it happened, right?
Good point......I forgot about what Edge had said. We don't know exactly what happened. The most important thing is. Bono is recovery and will be fine.
Who knows? I just don't think it matters or it's fair to say Bono should have done this or that when really none of us have even the slightest detail about what actually happened.
For all we know, Bono could have fallen off the stage and broken his back then and there, something completely unrelated to previous back pain, [FONT=&quot][/FONT]

Bono would not have done that, no way. He'd be more careful after what happened in 2001 and all the trouble his poorly back has caused him. If I smashed your cups a few times you can forgive but after a few times you'd snap" can't you be more careful Annie?" Why would Bono risk reinjuring his back by pure carelessness when he knows he has a back problem, which he's seeking PT for, and he knows there are many expectant fans looking forward to a concert? That just makes him a careles tool who's being naughty. That's what I meant by bringing on it himself. But as we know, this wasn't the case. It was the dodgy DR Muller. Hint: Benji's suspicions of him. He must have advised him wrong. This doctor works with athlete's with the objective of just getting them to play rather than allowing the injury to heal itself in it's own time. But as I said I can understand why he thought he was a good doctor.

Beside's the statement was a sustained injury. Not a new injury.
The situation is rather long winded.

A reoccurant injury that was noticeable in Autumn. Finally agreeing to do Glastonbury after Michael Eavis said a few years ago that he's given up on hoping that U2 will ever agree to do the festival. When they finally agree to doing it, look what happens at the 11th hour. I live 20 minutes drive from Glastonbury. I'm not saying that I agree with them, I've come to the conclusion that Bono did seek the opinion of 3 people and I think Dr Muller adviced him wrong thanks to what you've all have said, but this is the opinions of Somerset's yocal cider drinking farmers.
Stop it. You're just repeating what Benji has told you over in the other thread. Calling the Dr. that Bono has obviously put his faith and trust in for many years "dodgy" and saying he has adviced him wrong is based on pure speculation by one peron on this board that you are simply recycling here. Obviously Bono had enough reason to trust Dr. Mueller with his back problem, the treatment seemed to help, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to perform so many shows over the years since his problems started.

Read the statement carefully, it was a new injury, an emergency and Bono needed immediate help. It obviously wasn't something he had suffered from for many years. And yes, he has had several incidences where he has fallen on stage or even off stage over the years, it's well documented. It has nothing to do with being "careless". Once the adrenaline kicks in, you're just caught up in the moment. I don't think Bono can control it. There's no way he'll stop in the middle of a show and go: Wait, maybe I should be a bit more careful or I'll hurt myself.

And please stop making it sound again as if it's Bono's fault and he's disappointed the fans by not doing something about the back situation earlier. Obviously he couldn't have done anything earlier because the problem just occurred in May. Why is that so hard to understand and accept?
I think it's very important to look after your own body. The people I've known who've been in a wheelchair. One of them was a boy who I knew at school. He had motor neuron disease and didn't live much past his 16th birthday. I recently met a women who owns a shop. She has cerebal Palsy. I don't know much about this disease but she tells me that it's something that is passed on only to the females in a family. I don't understand why but she said that she hates her mum for having her and giving her this disease. Her brother has never got married because he fears what would happen if he passed on the gene to children.

When my mum worked as a community nurse and in an old people's home, where she sat with patients until they died, she used to visit a women with MS. She had it for 5 years and was confined to a wheelchair. She had a daughter who she couldn't look after and was now living with her grandparents where she was being looked after.

Another man I knew was in a wheelchair after he was involved in a car accident. I remember watching a program about the deformaties called by Thailidomide when I was a child and finding it scary how women who had taken this pill had given birth to babies with flippers rather than limbs.

I look at myself and I'm thankful that I've got 4 fully formed/working limbs. I look after my body. I can't understand why someone wouldn't want to look after their body. The idea that Bono couldn't insure that he prevented himself being confined to a wheelchair I find hurtful. Just like Jigsaw in the film Saw, I don't understand why people count thier blessings. Only I'm not psychotic like him. I'm just disapointed.

But as Vintagepunk said, many people with this type of injury and experience paralysis have to go on the waiting list for surgery, and afterwards they are fine. They probably do this within a year, or before real damage can be done. But Bono has money so he can afford to go private.
Well, Annie, you're certainly entitled to your opinion. Sure, it refutes logic, reality, and common sense, but you're definitely entitled to it.
Stop it. You're just repeating what Benji has told you over in the other thread. Calling the Dr. that Bono has obviously put his faith and trust in for many years "dodgy" and saying he has adviced him wrong is based on pure speculation by one peron on this board that you are simply recycling here. Obviously Bono had enough reason to trust Dr. Mueller with his back problem, the treatment seemed to help, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to perform so many shows over the years since his problems started.

That's the only explanation for it. Dr Muller methods are on the basis of a speedy rather than a safe recovery.

]Read the statement carefully, it was a new injury, an emergency and Bono needed immediate help.

Hold on. You said that it was during a work out rather than an accident. I read the statement, it said sustained injury. I read it on BBC entertainment news and exactly the same thing on Sky's showbiz news.

]It obviously wasn't something he had suffered from for many years. And yes, he has had several incidences where he has fallen on stage or even off stage over the years, it's well documented. It has nothing to do with being "careless".

100% careless. He's 50. He must have learnt that lesson. When you're back is poorly then you are more careful.

I find people on this sub forum to be quite negative. I've read comments about when Bono had to undergo throat surgery just so his dr could rule out cancer. Someone criticised the rest of the band for not utilizing their ability in mind reading so they can tell what was going on even though he said he never told anyone. Why was that their fault?

Also, someone questioned the ability of the surgeon to put him under aneasthetic without killing him! I just hate the feeling of being put out, I do not question the ability of doctors. That scenerio is extreamely minute. When my mum had to have her cataracts removed I never said "you could go blind" " what if it all goes wrong". She had the surgery but there was another women who was too scarred. Would you be like this with a loved one "don't remove your cataracts mum, the doctor could slip his scalpal." You're meant to be positive. Stop being negative.
–verb (used with object)
to undergo, experience, or suffer (injury, loss, etc.); endure without giving way or yielding.
Bono would not have done that, no way. He'd be more careful after what happened in 2001 and all the trouble his poorly back has caused him. If I smashed your cups a few times you can forgive but after a few times you'd snap" can't you be more careful Annie?" Why would Bono risk reinjuring his back by pure carelessness when he knows he has a back problem, which he's seeking PT for, and he knows there are many expectant fans looking forward to a concert? That just makes him a careles tool who's being naughty. That's what I meant by bringing on it himself.

Are you being serious? I wasn't aware he'd fallen and broken his back in 2001, so I'm not sure what you are referring to or where this information about his therapy and previous injuries is coming from. I guess by your logic he should just never step up on stage again....
....actually ...i heard Bono was taking Pole Dancing lessons and was going to treat the fans to something special.........or maybe just do it for Edge while they were on tour........
Lu pointed out something important. earlier. And I am not trying to suck up to her or make any brownie points. Because, I have never even met LU.

But, basically she said. We don't know exactly what incident/injury caused Bono to have emergency surgery, at this time. Though, certainly, it wasn't his fault. A person cannot purposely fragment their lumbar disc. With normal life activity, exercise or even an athletic stage performance. It is just impossible.

Maybe, and I am just guessing, here of course. It could have been something genetic. Back problems can and often do, run in families. All of us get. Our DNA from parents, grand parents and so on.

Life happens.

I have seen many photos of Bono walking, jogging, and swimming. Anyone of us here who have had a serious back injury. Will tell you. He was doing everything right and in his power, to keep his back muscles strong, by staying physically fit.

Walking is the best thing for Bono to do. It will keep his muscles more flexible, thus a better and quicker, recovery.
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