Bon Bon Reserve Superthread

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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yeah, I'll have to catch clips or pictures from it afterward. No way in fucking hell i'm watching the VMAs, even for those guys.
Yes, all that. The no short term is mind boggling. But that doesn't affect me.

It'll affect you the moment somebody comes to visit from interstate and you want to take them into the city to the footy/zoo/pubs/whatever. "We'll take the train ... oh but you need to pay $10 for a smartcard and you can't get it refunded like in most other cities that have implemented smartcard, and there's no short-term ticketing option either. But it's still cheaper than paying for parking."

Just tried listening to the DNC. Lasted about three minutes as a woman banged on about god. No offence intended to anyone... but wow am I glad we don't live in a country where religion has a foothold that strong. Imagine how much more tedious political debates would be in this country if religion was frequently brought up.

I'm amazed that the Republican and Democrat conventions are such a big deal. When was the last time anybody gave half a shit about the ALP or Liberal meetings, outside of Bob Hawke singing old socialist tunes?

So glad that we don't have the pernicious influence of religion on politics and society like the US, and the same goes for the indescribably obnoxious hyper-nationalistic exceptionalism. We have our xenophobic nationalists, but there's little "Australian exceptionalism". That said, this is the country of Family First, Tony Abbott's incredibly bigoted Catholicism, George Pell's measure of political influence, and both the Libs and the ALP continuing the school chaplaincy programme despite the fact it probably flouts the constitution and offers no tangible educational benefits to students. So we can't pat ourselves on the back too much.
Especially in lieu of funding actual, qualified counsellors. Fucking hell.
Saw this on twitter

Also Bonnie, do you think I should listen to One Was a Spider One Was a Bird?

Shit yeah you should. There's some good stuff on there - I saw your post in RMTz so it was fun to see this here. Have you listened to IUWYWBIJDA recently? It's a really great song.

Today I was working on a sculpture that required much use of thin wire. While moving the object around after it was finished, a loose strand of wire pricked the top of my finger. I'm used to getting scratches and such on my hands all the time - in fact, there was a fresh wound on my knuckle, so the situation didn't seem like much. Then I noticed the wire was stuck. I had to pull it out. Slowly, but surely, the full extent of the wire revealed itself - this wasn't just the tip of the wire. It kept on coming out for what felt like an awful long time, and, more unnerving than reassuring, there was no blood. Like I was a corpse. Finally, it all came out, after what was only a few seconds but felt much longer. The bit of wire was maybe just over half an inch long. That doesn't sound like much, but it seems like a lot more when it's inside your finger. It didn't hurt much, but it was really spooky just to look at.

Today I was working on a sculpture that required much use of thin wire. While moving the object around after it was finished, a loose strand of wire pricked the top of my finger. I'm used to getting scratches and such on my hands all the time - in fact, there was a fresh wound on my knuckle, so the situation didn't seem like much. Then I noticed the wire was stuck. I had to pull it out. Slowly, but surely, the full extent of the wire revealed itself - this wasn't just the tip of the wire. It kept on coming out for what felt like an awful long time, and, more unnerving than reassuring, there was no blood. Like I was a corpse. Finally, it all came out, after what was only a few seconds but felt much longer. The bit of wire was maybe just over half an inch long. That doesn't sound like much, but it seems like a lot more when it's inside your finger. It didn't hurt much, but it was really spooky just to look at.

Freaky. Reminds me of the time I had surgery and I kept getting blood noses a few days later, so mum pulled a blood clot out through my nose that was at least 20cm long.
Yep, as fucking freaky and unnatural as it was coming out, as soon as it was out I felt a million times better. No blood clots, no yucky, bloody taste in the back of my throat.
Not much one can do with a shitty statement like that.

In other news I've gone back to assFacebook. Mostly just for Uni purposes. But I made it the better part of 9 months without it.
So yesterday I was thinking to myself where are Jim Wallace's facts to back up some of his outlandish claims? Well they've posted them on their website.

Here's a study from the Kirby Institute done last year that says homosexual men account for 83% of new HIV infections from 2006-2010. Apparently this was shown in 1,276 men.

I need some help because I'm trying to reconcile this with Jim's views (and my views). In the study there is a line though that says "This difference may partly reflect higher levels of HIV antibody testing among men who have sex with men."

I mean, as much as he is a raging, irrelevant homophobe (and also a xenophobe), I suppose, technically, he has a point? And please, please don't misinterpret this as me sympathising with him in any way, shape or form, you know I'm as staunch a supporter for gay rights as anyone, I just pride myself on being able to cogently and rationally debunk any and every argument that is put forth about gay marriage.

Also it's great to see Julia Gillard has reneged and won't speak at their conference any more :up:
Here's a study from the Kirby Institute done last year that says homosexual men account for 83% of new HIV infections from 2006-2010. Apparently this was shown in 1,276 men.

I need some help because I'm trying to reconcile this with Jim's views (and my views). In the study there is a line though that says "This difference may partly reflect higher levels of HIV antibody testing among men who have sex with men."

What does this prove? It's specious. Most sexual HIV infection - heterosexual or homosexual - is due to casual sex. HIV is not being spread by stable, long-term couples. What does it have to do with anything anyway? Aboriginal people have demonstrably worse health than any other social grouping in Australia. Should we prohibit them from marriage? I do not see how a group's health relates to their right to marry.

In any case, many of the reasons why homosexuals have lower health outcomes is because of dscriminatory practices that do not provide equal or properly targeted treatment (see Campbell Newman cutting gay health programmes in Queensland, for instance). The reasons why most groups with poor health statistics are so comparatively unhealthy is due to social factors and a broad historical context, not an "unhealthy lifestyle". So simply throwing around stats showing that a small number of homosexual men account for the majority of the - similarly small - number of new HIV infections 1. is not terribly relevant and 2. ignores the context.
Let's just put this into perspective too, with some rough maths. Australia's population is about 22 million, right? Homosexuals account for about 6-10% of the average population, so that's about 1.32-2.2 million people. We have a fairly even sex distribution, so that's 660,000 to 1.1 million homosexual men.

Even if we take that lowest figure of 660,000, then those 1,276 homosexual men who account for 83% of HIV infections constitute 0.0019% of the homosexual male population. If we take the 1.1 million figure, then it's a piddling 0.00116%!

Convenient that the ACL forgot to mention that.
I am so bloody sick of signing my name. Why is there so much paperwork involved?
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