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I'm sure you'll give in and buy like a hundred Matthew Reilly books*. Also, that's a pretty good philosophy - it always kinda sucks when an animal has to die to feed us (and it's an absolute goddamn travesty how many are slaughtered, only to go to waste) but it's extra shitty when they just turn into Hungrys or Maccas. Speaking of which, still find it pretty dodgy that McDonald's doesn't have a veggie burger, even now.

*i tried to read one and it was legit the worst shit ever. I mean goddamn. Pure bland popcorn. I don't give a shit about the action and apparent plot twists when the characters are made up of two-at-most tropes.

I was eating this meal from Burger King and was trying to figure out what something was in the burger ... and then it dawned on me, BACON. How can you ruin bacon? It was at least crispy, but it was just crispy bits of NOTHING. I first thought it was some cardboard or some really charred onion. I felt offended for the pig that was wasted on that shit.

Which Matthew Reilly book did you read? Because even though I'll defend the first three, most of the rest are better pulped than read.
You know what bacon was good? The bacon I MADE. Holy shit, cats. That was the sweetest, best shit ever.
Sorry I didn't see you Ali! We got there not long before Seekae started. How'd you like it?

No worries - it was pretty packed in there.

You had the right idea - I wish I'd arrived much later than I did. The first opening guy was all right, but *insert offensive language here cos I can't think of anything offensive enough*, fucking Kangaroo Skull nearly killed me. Not in a good way. They filled the entire room with smoke sorry, "theatrical haze", cranked up some very fucking loud insanely repetitive doof-doof NNts-NNts shit, and turned on a big fucking strobe light for TWENTY SOLID MINUTES. The only thing that distinguished the other twenty-five minutes of their set is that they mostly turned the fucking strobe off. I had to retreat to the merch desk where there was some non-strobe lighting and look at things on my phone to avoid having a seizure. (I'm not epileptic, but if I'd had to watch that for much longer I would have been.)

If I'd been high off my nut it might have been the greatest night of my life, but unfortunately I was stone cold sober.

So I was up the back and already pissed off when Seekae came on, and they were very good, but then someone lit up a very strong-smelling joint in the crowd, and that reeked, and people were pushing past in all directions and some guy wanted to have his photo taken with my glasses on (WTF?), and I really wasn't in the mood. They played a good set and I like their new material, but I don't think I'll go to see them headline again. I accidentally left early, too... For some reason I thought they were only going to play one track for their encore, and I left after that, and realised on my way out the door that they were playing another one, but I didn't really care at that stage (especially since someone had lit up again during the encore).

And how much of a grumpy old woman do I sound like... *RE* Some days I think I'm too old for this shit.

I hope you enjoyed yourselves more than I did!

Which Matthew Reilly book did you read? Because even though I'll defend the first three, most of the rest are better pulped than read.

He was now travelling BACKWARDS!!!
I was a grumpy ass at Jack White because of some jerks that rushed to the front to start a mosh and continued on through the night. Then they would continue to mosh during acoustic slow songs : shrug:
Kangaroo Skull, man. I was sick when I saw them and I almost died. Glad I didn't pay money for it! I also for some reason became really claustrophobic in the smoke, which is very odd for me - I blame the cold I had. And that motherfucking strobe oh my god. I think Seekae could have got a better support than that!
I wish someone had warned me. :p (Unless I've seen them before and completely forgotten?)

I know Seekae is all electronic and stuff, but that was right out of nightclubs/raves-I-avoid-like-the-plague world. No amount of heavy bass can excuse that rubbish.
Which Matthew Reilly book did you read? Because even though I'll defend the first three, most of the rest are better pulped than read.

The one about the five greatest warriors or some shit. I think it'd be comparatively recent. I sort of felt like I was reading a middle-school storywriting assignment in places.

He was now travelling BACKWARDS!!!

Is this an actual line? Please be an actual line.
The one about the five greatest warriors or some shit. I think it'd be comparatively recent. I sort of felt like I was reading a middle-school storywriting assignment in places.

Yeah, that's one of the more recent ones. I haven't read it, not after U-Wen gave me a nicely detailed and damning review. :lol:

Is this an actual line? Please be an actual line.

It's in one of his better books too, Ice Station.
That sucks you had an average night Ali :( I have to admit the crowd was pretty poorly behaved. I love the smell of weed so that didn't bother me, but everyone was talking which ruined Seekae's quieter songs, and there were a lot of people pushing through, more so than usual at a packed Corner gig, which I guess is to be expected at an electro show since more people are pissed/on drugs.

Didn't mind Kangaroo Skull, but that's because I'm immune to that music (and strobe) and don't mind heavy beats. When have you seen him Ax/Charlotte?

Seekae were awesome though. The hitz went off and Yech, the new one, sounded great. Bit WTF that they covered Show Me Love near the end though I thought!
I'm sure I would have enjoyed it more had I missed Kangaroo Skull! I don't even mind the heavy beat, it was just all those things together, and too much of strobe.
Yeah, that's one of the more recent ones. I haven't read it, not after U-Wen gave me a nicely detailed and damning review. :lol:

It's in one of his better books too, Ice Station.

I got about halfway through and just gave up. It was one of those books that you just read without realising that you're even reading it. I'm sure U-Wen's review was beautifully scathing and didn't put a foot wrong.

Now, I'd like to say that I'd never want to attempt reading another of his books again... but fuck it, I'm going to try Ice Station. Certainly heard of it, wasn't it really big when it came out? I can't resist reading 600 pages for one atrociously bad line.
Danny, we saw Kangaroo Skull at one of the free Monday gigs at the NSC. Only time I've ever seen smoke so thick the bloody Carlton Draught sign above the bar wasn't visible, so there was an upside.

Bonnie, I genuinely like Ice Station, it's one of my favourite over-the-top, totally implausible, ridiculous action novels. That one and Temple were the two that really established him ... and then he went completely to shit.

Opening for.......

It was a night of My Disco side projects. They were second ... think Slow Hog was the final one, but at the free shows, the second one tends to get the biggest crowd. By the final act, unless it's a "big" draw, most people seem to have decided it's too late for a Monday night show that they haven't actually had to pay for, so the crowds are a bit weaker.
I wouldn't have minded it if it wasn't for THAT FUCKING STROBE.
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