Bird-in-Hand, Pennsylvania Superthread

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I don't know , nytoher postiion but missionary pubtsm e

the idea of it i mean

but that might be because i 'm a germaphonbe

got Im going to eget this in the monint
I don't know , nytoher postiion but missionary pubtsm e

the idea of it i mean

but that might be because i 'm a germaphonbe

got Im going to eget this in the monint

Wikipedia has a list of sex positions that may just be enlightening.

bt bnverm ind that doens't even make anyfucking sense
ignor mee
how do you know you are way too kinky-
i went to the dr for a series of about 10 injections into my leg this arvo and didnt flinch, the dr said this was very unusual, most people carry on like pork chops,
i realise my pain threshold is too high from too much weird fucking sex.

i also realis the jack daniels is making me overshare.. :hmm:
i'm still not 21 so my mo stil nys it
it's hers so Ian't take it when I please,

though I just did wihout her kmnwing
pshh how coudl i even get away wit hbeing offended when I laugh at fevery other drun person in theis thread/
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