Best Of 2000s Results Thread

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I loved this ranking system personally, it encourages you to listen to all the lists more even though I started rushing them towards the end I enjoyed it more, we'll definitely need a good amount of listening time if we do it with DI 7
Nice work, guys, congrats to YLB. The playlists will end up the site, right phanan?

Also, I like how this ranking system works a lot more than the other one.
Thanks for the feedback everyone.

The one problem I have with the system (or at least the way it was implemented this time out) is that I know for a fact that not everyone managed to finish all of the lists. 15 CD-length lists. When the length of the lists is doubled and 4-8 more are added, I can't imagine this ending well. While ranking is purer and more ideal, it's going to get muddled (I would argue more so than with a head-to-head format) if no one can finish the lists. Basically, we're looking at a month of listening, or this isn't going to work. If you guys can handle that great of a gap, I'm on board.

For a regular DI, yes, there would have to be a good month for listening to everything. I honestly don't know how that would go down, because we gave everyone that much time for the last DI and people still couldn't get through everything.

If we keep this style for a future DI, I'd recommend staggering the lists out. Maybe sending 4 out at-a-time, makes it easier to focus on listening to something. There's still a sense of urgency to listen to the list, but it still allows for flexibility.

You might be on to something here. We can break down the Master List thread into four or five parts, and present a new thread each Monday or something. With no poll threads clogging up the forum, multiple Master List threads would be ok.

This might be an idea worth exploring further.

The only problem I have with DI is that the same core group of people participate every time, and people looking in feel less inclined to either join themselves or at least listen. I know what Axver thinks about something, as well as Pfan, so it's no surprise, works both ways, at least.

I've flirted with the idea of doing DI7 after saying that the 6th would be my last, just because I dig making playlists and sending them out to people. Since that's the case, I may end up making a list and sharing it outright, but let someone else take my spot for DI. I don't know, I'm overthinking this shit.

I was thinking about this, and I came to the conclusion that we should start rotating people in and out. For example, you and Axver are the only ones who have been a part of every regular DI tournament, so both of you would be the obvious candidates for sitting out DI7. Then, for DI8, we'd see who's been involved straight through since DI2 - off the top of my head, I believe it might be LemonMelon and myself.

This would help with the issue a bit.
I certainly think this system has its perks. I was skeptical going in but I think it worked out in the end. I like LMP's idea for staggering the release of lists for a full DI. My only qualm is that I felt this edition didn't really engage people outside of the contestants. I think rankings should be encouraged from anybody willing to put the time into listening and doing one.

I definitely agree that the tournament has lately suffered from the same faces. I've considered sitting out DI VII, or making DI VII my last (for the foreseeable future), but I really don't think I'd like to do either. I know my selections, DI II aside, struggle for popularity, but I figure if I can get just one person interested in something new, then entering has been all worthwhile. I've got at least three list ideas that I'd like to enter, all completely different from each other. Yes, one is the oft-threatened metal list (it's awesome). It starts with what's basically hard rock and builds up to a chaotic whirlwind of shrieking Norwegians, buzzing guitars, and drums being thrown down stairwells. B&C will love it.
i know i really got into this idea, i made a playlist, but with the core group of DIers it's all a bit confronting, for lack of a much better word. i would fear that if non hardcore DIers like myself got involved there'd be a revolt, regarding flow, poster cred/rep, etc.
I certainly think this system has its perks. I was skeptical going in but I think it worked out in the end. I like LMP's idea for staggering the release of lists for a full DI. My only qualm is that I felt this edition didn't really engage people outside of the contestants. I think rankings should be encouraged from anybody willing to put the time into listening and doing one.

We could definitely do this for DI. As this was more or less a trial run, I wanted to keep it confined to just participants (and I did get one request from a non-participant to do rankings this time, so I'm assuming there might be some outside interest).

I liked the ranking system because there was no influencing of polls from outsiders. Let's face it - we've had circumstances where people voted in specific polls only to help a specific player, and doing it this way eliminates that.

I definitely agree that the tournament has lately suffered from the same faces. I've considered sitting out DI VII, or making DI VII my last (for the foreseeable future), but I really don't think I'd like to do either. I know my selections, DI II aside, struggle for popularity, but I figure if I can get just one person interested in something new, then entering has been all worthwhile. I've got at least three list ideas that I'd like to enter, all completely different from each other.

Well, you agree that the tournament has a lot of the same players involved every time. Do you have another idea how to fix that? Because apart from rotating people in and out, I don't know what else to do about it. I know you want to be involved, but it is logical that you and LMP would be the first ones to sit if we went that route.

shrieking Norwegians

:lol: After reading this, I wouldn't want you to sit out, either.
Two things:

1. I like LMP's idea about sending four out at a time. It would make each master thread exciting. People could start listening early instead of waiting for every playlist to be submitted. :up:

2. Instead of rotating out two people, why not make them bonus playlists? They wouldn't be part of the main competition. However, maybe a few days after the results thread they could have a fun head-to-head match. To use sports analogies it would be like a friendly, exhibition or Pro Bowl. It would be a showcase of two "veterans" of the game. Does that make sense?
Well, you agree that the tournament has a lot of the same players involved every time. Do you have another idea how to fix that? Because apart from rotating people in and out, I don't know what else to do about it. I know you want to be involved, but it is logical that you and LMP would be the first ones to sit if we went that route.

First off, I'd say no reserving spots for returning members. If they're on and sign-up for the list when it's posted, that's great, but if not, whatever. People like Axver and myself could be kept as alternates with lists on standby, just in case Newbie #1 couldn't get something together or forgot to post it, etc...

Or maybe people who miss out would be put on a list to participate in the next full or mini-tournament or something. The more of a mix between regulars and new people, the better; that way people may be more lenient on the workings of a list, a little more receptive to something new... I don't know, but it might be a step in the right direction.

Yeah, if I don't participate in DI7, I'd want to put my list up outside of the tournament anyway to see what people think. Maybe turn it into a running diary-type of situation.
i know i really got into this idea, i made a playlist, but with the core group of DIers it's all a bit confronting, for lack of a much better word. i would fear that if non hardcore DIers like myself got involved there'd be a revolt, regarding flow, poster cred/rep, etc.

Nah, don't be silly, aren't you reading the posts? We all WANT other people in here, we just hate sitting out lol.
You might be on to something here. We can break down the Master List thread into four or five parts, and present a new thread each Monday or something. With no poll threads clogging up the forum, multiple Master List threads would be ok.

This might be an idea worth exploring further.

I second that. :up: This method doesn't take as long as a regular DI but it still has a "tournament feel" to it.
Say there are 20 contestants. What if we broke it down into 10 for regulars and 10 for non-regulars (people who've competed in less than three tournaments, with two or three spots reserved for people who've never competed). Then if the 10 for non-regulars aren't filled within x days, they're opened up to those regulars who missed out.
How about we just not save spots for people and leave it be first come first serve?
LMP already suggested that. :wink:

The only problem I see is that the people who always compete are the same people who are on the forum a lot and are most likely to be first come. So I definitely think it'd be wise to keep some spaces for less frequent contestants.
What a little bastard. I would have ranked him last.


But that's just because I hate him.

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