Barcelona I Setlist Party

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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:wave: Too many people to personally say hello too! :hug:

I had a tornado in my area in like 1989 when I was 10. That was cool. Sky turned green a few weeks ago and my dogs started freaking. It was alot of wind, rain and hail. Cool stuff.

We had one here last summer. Not in my town, but a neighboring town
Thanks everyone! My teenage daughter doesn't understand my excitement. She says "If you're like this today, what are you going to be like in Oct?" Doesn't she realize part of my job is to make her crazy? Holding off on the Guinness until showtime!
Those damn kids and their Lady Gaga!

I had a tornado in my area in like 1989 when I was 10. That was cool. Sky turned green a few weeks ago and my dogs started freaking. It was alot of wind, rain and hail. Cool stuff.

We don't get much real severe weather in my neck of the woods because of the marine layer but we tend to get some nasty storms fairly often up at school in New Brunswick
Actually she hates Lady Gaga (and the Jo Bros., Katy Perry, etc.) She did have an awesome time at a concert for a certain Canadian band whose name is not to be said on certain parts of this forum. And she and I went to see No Doubt a few weeks back. She's still trying to get me to agree to let her take her little brother and see Green Day. And we will all be going to see U2 in October. So its all good.
What the heck is on the floor in a strip in the Red Zone area - it looks like plastic spikes or something?

This is like a slow slow torture session. Is it October yet? I have RedZone for the Rose Bowl!:hyper:
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