Barcelona I Setlist Party

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I've got 1000mikes running in iTunes, but I still don't hear a thing...c'mon, stream, WORK! :pray:

It kicked in for about a minute of airtime and went silent. Maybe just testing the signal. It sounded as about as good as the rehearsal clips except a little closer.
Thought the same thing when I wrote it, that would be a good experience with the concert playing in the background and a pastrami on rye (Seinfeld reference!)

I'm seriously dying post count is going boom, and I know the minute I hear Ad's bass my heart will explode. :hyper::love::hyper::love::hyper::hyper::love::hyper::love:
Oh, yeah? MY post count is going BOOM BOOM POW.
Ohh, looks like I came back at a good time. I'm so excited! I hope Snow Patrol is getting a nice reception. Always appreciate the opening bands.
Dang this thread is going light speed right now. I can't imagine how much worse it's going to be when the actual main event starts :lmao:
I know that the 1000mikes isnt working right now but when it starts to work im assuming we just push the green play button and it that correct?
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