Barcelona I Setlist Party (and show discussion & thoughts) Part IV

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Someone who is sick to death of the bitching that goes on on this site by these prissy entitleds that demand the earth from a band that has given us 33 years. Get over yourself and put up with what they want to do or let it go. You'll give yourself an ulcer. And where is my typo? I accidently capitalised a letter? Are you seriously arguing that point. Your arguement is wearing pretty thin if that's all you've got to defend yourself

There's an important word missing in your first rant/post. You state that the band cares what I want... I think you meant the opposite.
WOW!!! really late to the party but I have been skimming through the setlist party and looking at the video ( already) and I'm impressed!! I can't wait to see this in September! :hyper: UV,UF...the new songs...I'm excited!...thank you U2...and thanks everyone for sharing your video and audio so darn I really wasn't expecting any audio or video until maybe tomorrow...what a treat! :):up:
Judging from the pre-show/rehearsal hype, I was hoping for a more adventurous setlist this tour. What happened to the new Drowning Man version everyone was raving about?

Looks like they opted instead to just go for a version fo the U2 Greatest Hits setlist (odd the way they've fallen into that mode, since Larry was quoted as far back as the Lovetown tour saying that things were getting a bit boring and he didn't want to just tour as the "U2 jukebox"). All but a couple of these songs were entirely predictable, down to the order of appearance in the setlist.

And once again the two best songs on the latest album - Cedars and Fez-Being Born - are left off, continuing a tradition going back several albums now.

Street, Pride, Bloody Sunday, Vertigo, and Beautiful Day need to take a rest (as do the now tired paens to Tutu and MLK).

I'm with ya...

And U2 fans, whether intentionally or not, devote a lot of attention to "snippets" (which aren't really snippets)... maybe qualifies as variety where none would otherwise be found...
oh my GOD......that ultraviolet video........:combust:

when I started watchin it I thought, fuck, bono's singing this all wrong. but after watching it all the way through i actually love that he's reinvented it quite a bit vocally!

but the band's performance aside (which was great no doubt), i just ADORED the whole bono-playing-with-that-weird-steering-wheel-esque-mic!!!!! this video just rocks SO FUCKING much!! that shining red light effect .....bono playing with the was just :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool:

I hope you read this because it's genius.

Have you ever considered leaving Streets (and others) off the setlist for a tour or two? Imagine the energy with which you'd sing it when you'd finally sing it again... I think this energy would transfer to albums you'd record as well... rejuvination.
Yeah, at least 4 wrong notes in the end solo.
First night jitters and the first time performing it live...
It'll get better for sure.

after watching the solo, i laughed and said i know that solo better and i could play it better. Thing is though, no doubt ive listened to that solo a couple of hundred times more then the edge has lol
YES!!!!!! UV FKNED ROCKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That LED jacket went perfect along with the disco ball! That, being the 1st time since 1993, was an absolute chilling and awesome performance of that song. :up::up:
Ultraviolet WAS bad ass!! I'm not sure if it has been said yet, but I think Bono & the stage crew need to grow some more balls with the capabilities of that steering wheel/swinging mic thing! Imagine if he swung from the main stage out to the tip of the circle all Tarzan style right over the crowd? The jacket alone is bad ass, but I can see so much more potential in that hanging mic!
Ultraviolet WAS bad ass!! I'm not sure if it has been said yet, but I think Bono & the stage crew need to grow some more balls with the capabilities of that steering wheel/swinging mic thing! Imagine if he swung from the main stage out to the tip of the circle all Tarzan style right over the crowd? The jacket alone is bad ass, but I can see so much more potential in that hanging mic!

:ohmy: But what if his hands were all sweaty and he slipped and fell into the crowd. :shifty:
Is anyone surprised they didn't play Mysterious Ways?? When was the last time they did this?

Not surprised at all. It's been a bit rotational for the last couple of tours.

And for everyone panicking about Drowning Man, mark my words: it'll be played at the second Barcelona gig.
Ultraviolet WAS bad ass!! I'm not sure if it has been said yet, but I think Bono & the stage crew need to grow some more balls with the capabilities of that steering wheel/swinging mic thing! Imagine if he swung from the main stage out to the tip of the circle all Tarzan style right over the crowd? The jacket alone is bad ass, but I can see so much more potential in that hanging mic!

Like Spiderman? LOL Wonder if he got the idea from the musical thingy. :hmm:
How sweet does this look:


oh, maannnnnn

that IS one of tthe best concert / CLAW photos of the night!

wayne = WIN
yeah the visuals are nice but Crazy i such a pumpy number on the labum why did they ahve to meess it. gzze its 2:20 i need to sleep
After watching a bunch of the videos, I can't really comment either way; I'm going to have to get a ticket and see the show in person to really know what it's all about.

It really reminds me of Popmart in some ways. I dunno; the stadiums, the giant arching video thing, Bono's short hair.....:wink:

I think they certainly sounded overall alot more rehearsed than the first night of Popmart though. Even though they fucked up One. How the hell....well, it happens. No band is perfect.

It seems like a really visual kind of show; I can't imagine how much that must cost to put on.....they better be selling out every show in order to break even on this tour....

They sounded good from what I could hear. The only thing that bothered me was the amount of taped keyboards and backing vocals. Those things are clear as day. Actually, if you hear the stop in One, there is DEFINITELY a keyboard player backstage. There is no way Bono counted the band back in that quick to a tape or sequence. Which makes me sad, because I had this notion that Edge was triggering sequences with his pedal board.....I guess that's not the case.

At any rate, let's see what happens as the tour progresses.....

Edge has the ability to play the sequences with his pedal board he has a big green pedal and a big red pedal which start and stop the sequences, but he shared the operation of the board with Dallas. And as they had borked it up Bono was probably counting in the keyboard player underneath the stage to do live triggers.
oh they really messed one entire lines swaloowed up. end the song aleady

i think we need to do a surgical analysis of One. i htink there are more pople playing under the satge.
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