Are You Voting this Tuesday?

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Are you voting this Tuesday?

  • Yes

    Votes: 21 67.7%
  • No

    Votes: 10 32.3%

  • Total voters


Rock n' Roll Doggie FOB
Oct 22, 2001
Just wondering how many Americans here will be voting in this Tuesday's elections. I hope everyone here who is old enough, will be going to vote on Tuesday.
There is a competitive race in my congressional district in Pennsylvania between Gekas and Holden. Pennsylvania lost two congressional seats because the population of the Pennsylvania decreased on the 2000 Census. Gekas and Holden are both incumbents. They are running against each other because their congressional districts were combined into one district. I've always had Gekas as my representive in Congress for well over a decade. But because my district has been combined with Holdens district, someone from outside the area could now become our representitive. I support Gekas over Holden of course, but surprisingly, Gekas is running behind Holden in the polls. I'm getting all of my friends who would not normaly vote in a mid-term election to go and vote for Gekas on Tuesday. Actually, I still have to make sure that I'm in Gekas's district, because after the redistricting earlier this year, the new district only had 60% of the old area's of the Gekas's previous district while being combined with the 40% of Holdens former district.

Why did you need to vote by absentee?
What!? No "Hell, yes until they pry my ballot-puncher out of my cold, dead fingers!" option?


I've only missed voting in one election in 22 years. It was a sanitation district election. I'm still embarassed about missing it.
Both, in addition to individual State and Local elections. Depending on which State and voting district your in, there are a lot of positions up for election this Tuesday.
I still don't know who to vote for for Governor in New Mexico. It's very depressing. It's an important election for us. I just don't know if I can bring myself to vote for the Democrat candidate, Bill Richardson (I haven't gotten over his stinky role in the whole Wen Ho Lee thing for starters) but if I vote for the Green Party candidate it will be a throw away vote. :scream:
I wanted to go ahead and warn all of you:

I am voting for the Democratic candidates in 2 of the offices up for election, and I am voting for the Republican candidates in all of the other offices.

I know the Democratic candidate for State Treasurer and I am voting for him.

And the Republican candidate for Public Service Commission is George Wallace, Jr. I do not vote for Wallaces. (He has been a life-long Democrat but recently switched because he decided it would be easier to win as a Republican).

The Republican candidates are the better choices for me in all of the other races.


Cool! I wonder if any of the "non-voters" could tell us why they won't be voting Tuesday. Is it a schedual conflict or time conflict on that day, or general skepticism about politics?
i already voted in my home state of minnesota, though i may have to re-vote with another absentee ballot cos of the tragedy that happened ( :sad: )

*crosses fingers that penny gets a lot of votes on tuesday*

i'll be campaigning hard for the south dakota democrats on tuesday, as the difference in the candidates (for governor, senator, AND congress) are all so close they are decided by the margin of error.

so technically no, i will not be voting come tuesday, though i have voted. :D
I already voted by absentee ballot myself. This is because I chose to remain registered in Michigan for now, as I felt that I wasn't familiar enough with Massachusetts politics to make an educated vote.

Plus, I find that the Michigan elections are far more interesting to

Have To

I Vote Early...and Often HEHE!!!!

Seriously, I feel if I am going to teach kids to be responsible citizens, I should do so myself.


We have a Governor, Senator, State Rep, State Treasurer, and The hot Ballot Question #2 to vote on.

Governor's Race....Undecided....Only because I want to vote Democrat but the candidate just plain irks me. The Republicans have butchered the DOE here in MA for 12 years now. I feel the only way to change it is to get a Democrat in office.

Senate Democrat....Kerry has no one opposing him really.

State Rep Democrat....The Republican Candidate plays dirty.

State Treasurer Republican....This guy received endorsements from the ultra-liberal Boston Globe and the Conservative Boston Herald. He is truly a great all around candidate.

Question #2....I do not like the law suit language against teachers. It troubles me. Still thinking on it.

Peace to all......
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Re: Have To

Dreadsox said:
Governor's Race....Undecided....Only because I want to vote Democrat but the candidate just plain irks me. The Republicans have butchered the DOE here in MA for 12 years now. I feel the only way to change it is to get a Democrat in office.

Mitt Romney's father was governor of Michigan in the 1970s. My parents said he was a terrible Shannon O'Brien does irk me a bit; I find her television ads to be a bit asinine and she really knows how to talk ambiguously. For me, if I were voting in MA, I would certainly feel like I was choosing from the lesser of two evils.

STING2 said:
Cool! I wonder if any of the "non-voters" could tell us why they won't be voting Tuesday. Is it a schedual conflict or time conflict on that day, or general skepticism about politics?

General skepticism :up:
i'm voting.

i'm looking forward to senator durbin kicking some ass on tuesday. i :heart: him.

most of the candidates in illinois make me ill - even the democrats. their campaigns have been so negative it's actually embarassing. our governor race is a joke. it's tragic.

Reason #1- there are no major races in my home state

Reason #2- I am totally disillusioned with the US political party system. Until a viable, realistic alternative comes about to challenge the lying, two faced, back stabbing, ass kissing, special interest mongering Republicans and Democrats I will not waste my time.

I heard on TV that the FL races will likely be called crooked and challenged again. One guy said he saw that as the future of all voting races, it will all be disputed and eventually settled by lawyers, as if the lawyer politicians weren't bad enough. If it comes to that it's time to hang it up completely. I would never believe the results. I have no faith in the system as it is.
STING2 said:
Cool! I wonder if any of the "non-voters" could tell us why they won't be voting Tuesday. Is it a schedual conflict or time conflict on that day, or general skepticism about politics?

For me, I wouldn't call it skepticism, more like--disinterest. I never pay attention to the candidates who are running, or their attributes, therefore I know I would not be able to make a sound vote. Plus, I get turned off by all the hateful campaign advertising.

I've been registered to vote since I turned 18 and have NEVER voted....not once. :silent:
I just discovered that my representitive, George Gekas, is no longer my representitive. Do to the redistricting that occured in Pennsylvania because of the loss of two congressional representitives because of a decrease in Pennsylvania's population, in the new boundries for districs in Pennsylvania, the 17th district no longer has territory in Cumberland County where I live. This happened several months ago, and I'm sure that there are many people in my area that might not even be aware that George Gekas is no longer their representitive in congress. Where I live is now apart of the 19th Congressional district of Pennsylvania and my representitive is now Todd Platts (R). Unfortunately, my friends and I will not be able to help by voting, our representitive George Gekas who has been our representitive for over 18 years. Our new representitive Todd Platts (R) has no opposition, but will vote for him anyways while were voting in the State and local races. I now understand why Gekas is behind Holden, because his base of support used to be where I live which no longer is apart of his district.
I'm voting, but only so I have the right to complain about the results. The U.S. House and Senate races where I live have been incredibly nasty and negative. It's a real turn-off. I just heard today about the millions and millions of dollars these people are spending on their campaigns. I can't help but think what that money could do if it were spent elsewhere.

The one bright spot is the state senate race for my area. I actually know one of the candidates, and she's an incredible person. She's heavily favored in the race and will probably win without my vote, but it will feel good to cast a vote for someone I truly believe in for once.
i'll be here later today (tuesday) to hopefully bask in the victories of the people i voted for, and voted for in confidence, knowing that if they win, i wouldn't regret it, as i did my research.

you peeps would be happy to know i didn't vote all democratic, although there were only really three people to vote for. we also voted on the lottery. i hope that goes through. i miss not having one, having grown up in florida with pick 3 and such. even if i would rarely participate in buying lottery tickets, it's fun to see billboards and look at the huge amount that the jackpot is for the week.
Re: Have To

Dreadsox said:
I Vote Early...and Often HEHE!!!!

Seriously, I feel if I am going to teach kids to be responsible citizens, I should do so myself.


We have a Governor, Senator, State Rep, State Treasurer, and The hot Ballot Question #2 to vote on.

Governor's Race....Undecided....Only because I want to vote Democrat but the candidate just plain irks me. The Republicans have butchered the DOE here in MA for 12 years now. I feel the only way to change it is to get a Democrat in office.

Senate Democrat....Kerry has no one opposing him really.

State Rep Democrat....The Republican Candidate plays dirty.

State Treasurer Republican....This guy received endorsements from the ultra-liberal Boston Globe and the Conservative Boston Herald. He is truly a great all around candidate.

Question #2....I do not like the law suit language against teachers. It troubles me. Still thinking on it.

As I understand it, Question #2 does not imply that any teacher caught speaking another language in an attempt to teach their students English will be sued. It is saying that teachers that try to make their own course by subverting the system who think that they have no one to be responsible to except themselves will have to think twice.
This measure has been in California for several years and there have been no lawsuits against teachers to my knowledge. Seems like a scare tactic to me.
Well, I voted this morning. Here in Oklahoma we've got the gubernatorial election on the off-years. I voted straight ticket Democrat. Our Republican choice was Steve Largent, ex-football player. His three main platforms? Banning abortion, putting prayer in schools, and banning more pornography than is already banned. For such a religious type, it was funny to hear him say "bullshit" on the local news. Meanwhile, the Democrat, Brad Henry, is endorsed by the Sierra Club (who won't just endorse anyone) and is much more in line with how I feel about most issues.

I also voted to ban cockfighting and I voted for exempting storm shelters from property taxes, among other things.

I feel pretty good. We'll see what happens.
By the way, I think it's really sad to see people refusing to vote because they dislike politicians or because they don't like the system, etc. My husband used to think like this until I convinced him that every vote counts and that there really is a huge difference between Democrats and Republicans. In America, the parties seem similar to people--that's because we all want the same things (better healthcare, soc sec reform, better schools, less violence)...the problem is, how do we achieve those goals? Dems and GOP have very different ideas about that. The differences between the parties on environmental issues alone is enough to get me to drag my butt to the polls.

I strongly urge those who don't want to vote to ask someone who did vote why they did it. You might actually find a reason to go do it yourself.

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