Are you generally happy?

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ONE love, blood, life
Sep 19, 2004
Athens, Greece
Just wondering. If so, what makes you happy? If not, why not?

Sorry to sound like a therapy session survey, but I've just been thinking about how a lot of my friends aren't so happy (for very legitimate reasons), and I'm not usually that happy either... are most people typically satisfied with their lives, or unsatisfied?
I am. I'm a naturally laid back person, I don't get wound up about things easily and I don't get myself involved in drama. Generally I'm a selfish person, and introvert and I absolutely need time to myself every day. I watch TV, get on here, listen to music, whatever, that recharges my batteries and I'm ready to go. That's what keeps me happy.

Plus I'm fortunate to surround myself with friends and family who love me.

So yeah, I'm happy, because I love to talk about me :D
Yes, I would say I'm generally happy, or at least in a positive mood. I would guess between 70 and 90% of the time I'm rather happy, even during these times.

But I'm terribly introvert either. I need to know people a bit to open myself, but I'm also not the person to approach others.
No-but I am when I think about people who are far less fortunate than I am. I have to give myself that kick in the butt often. Simple things make me happy too.
I am very happy. I haven't always been. I feel deeply, and I've so often been puzzled about why the world is fraught with so many problems. Global warming, racism, violence, you name it.

One of the things that has made a difference in my happiness is gratitude. More and more in the past few years, I've become more grateful, for every little thing. It's a very powerful force that can transform your mindset. These days, I feel great ecstacy in being alive, being part of this miracle of life. I revel in the mystery of why we are here, of what we're all about. I don't know why I'm here, but life is such an incredible gift. All these incredible experiences we get to have, the tremendous people we get to meet, the brilliant music we get to hear, the difference we get to make -- all of it.

I'm still a rookie in the art of gratitude, but it's something I expect to work on throughout my life, and see it grow.

I feel happiness deep within my bones.
U2democrat said:
I am. I'm a naturally laid back person, I don't get wound up about things easily and I don't get myself involved in drama. Generally I'm a selfish person, and introvert and I absolutely need time to myself every day. I watch TV, get on here, listen to music, whatever, that recharges my batteries and I'm ready to go. That's what keeps me happy.

Ditto. Though I can also be very moody, especially if I'm lacking sleep or dealing with people I can't stand.
Yes, I am generally happy with my life.

I have created a peaceful home, except when there is 19 year old chaos running around, but for the most part, I stay out of the drama and try and surround myself with people that really know me and love me. That makes me happy.
I'm glad to see most people saying yes :up: perhaps some virus of shittiness is going around my circle of friends and we'll all cheer the fuck up later :wink:

and U2dem, I'm very much like you in that I love my family and friends, but I'm also very much an introvert. I like to spend time alone. And I definitely avoid drama which is why most of my friends are guys :wink: I try to be laid back, but I'm neurotic by nature. So I try to surround myself with people who are essentially the opposite.

pretty much simple things make me happy, like time with my friends and TV shows I like and brilliant music about rainbows and radios or some shit like that. and i like playing guitar. I'm frustrated because I really want to be in a band as I've been writing songs for years... I've had many almosts here thus far but nothing has actually happened yet.
I am generally a happy person. I dont have as much as some people my age (husband, house, kids etc) but I'm happy where I am anyway. My family & a few close friends make me happy as well as my cats. I'd be a mess without them :wink: and dancing makes me happy too.
Sicy said:
My family & a few close friends make me happy as well as my cats. I'd be a mess without them :wink:

I just want to add that I include my cat when I talk about my family...I'd also be a mess without her :wink:

I also want to add that just because I'm introverted doesn't mean I'm a shy, closed off person. I'm an open book really, I just need time alone to reboot my energy.
I'm really shy about approaching people. But if someone approaches me first I'm glad to talk. I'm very friendly, I'm just really awkward about starting conversation...especially with guys...I really have no clue how to approach guys, which is dumb because like all my best friends are guys, so I clearly have no problem getting along with them.
AtomicBono said:
I'm really shy about approaching people. But if someone approaches me first I'm glad to talk. I'm very friendly, I'm just really awkward about starting conversation...especially with guys...I really have no clue how to approach guys, which is dumb because like all my best friends are guys, so I clearly have no problem getting along with them.

I know what you mean. I tend to get along better with guys as friends than girls, but when it comes to dating and such its just a different story.
Generally, yes, although life has taken strange turns during the last year and I've been a bit disoriented. All of my close friends here have either died or moved away, with my closest friend having just suddenly moved away this week, leaving me a bit shell-shocked, although he's just a day's drive away and him being there will probably expand my life in a lot of ways since I love a good road trip and he's moved to a place I visit frequently on my own anyway. But in terms of the day-to-day...I no longer have that one person in my life who knows and cares what's going on with all the boring aspects of daily living. I have lots of warm acquaintances, people I have lunch with once every 4-6 weeks, but every one of my really close soul-mate type friends is gone now. So I feel a bit lost and have to find new ways of being and staying happy, and hopefully make some new friends which is tough.
eh...i used to be generally happy. not so much anymore. but i don't like being pessimistic either. so...hopefully this will not last long. i liked the old mia much better.

shit happens. but one thing i've learned for sure is nothing lasts for ever. not people, not myself, not my current state of mind, or my current environment. at some point it will all change and/or go away.

so, i at least know that i won't be generally unhappy forever. :wink:

this feeling will go away.
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Yes! Every day I get hit with the realization that I am incredibly lucky, and all those things make me happy. I have a great finance who spoils me rotten. I live in a fun neighborhood, and I have made some terrific friends here. I have two homes, one here in Indiana and one back in Rhode Island, and I am completely at home and comfortable in both places. I don't have to work at a job I don't like anymore and that has brought a LOT of happiness back to my life. Right now I'm not making a huge amount of money, but I'm working at one job where I am constantly moving and working hard, and I'm ice skating again AND getting paid to teach it. Teaching kids new skills on the ice and watching them get better and gain confidence brings a certain joy I can't even describe. I love sharing and passing on my passion for figure skating.

There are a few things that would make life perfect, like if I didn't have to worry about money and if everyone I love could be in the same telephone area code. I don't think that I would appreciate the little things as much if life was perfect, and I wouldn't have the brand-new thought every day that I am very lucky.
joyfulgirl said:
Generally, yes, although life has taken strange turns during the last year and I've been a bit disoriented. All of my close friends here have either died or moved away, with my closest friend having just suddenly moved away this week, leaving me a bit shell-shocked, although he's just a day's drive away and him being there will probably expand my life in a lot of ways since I love a good road trip and he's moved to a place I visit frequently on my own anyway. But in terms of the day-to-day...I no longer have that one person in my life who knows and cares what's going on with all the boring aspects of daily living. I have lots of warm acquaintances, people I have lunch with once every 4-6 weeks, but every one of my really close soul-mate type friends is gone now. So I feel a bit lost and have to find new ways of being and staying happy, and hopefully make some new friends which is tough.

:hug: that must be so hard. you seem like a very strong person. I know the feeling to a much lesser extent - when I moved for high school I left behind my best friend (all my friends actually, I knew literally no one in my high school) and it took awhile to adjust to that. Then one of my best friends from high school went to basic training this summer, so i went from having him by my side everyday (we were voted most inseperable in the yearbook even!) to him being gone since June... however he gets back in a month, so hopefully that will make things a little better. but your situation sounds much worse... making new friends is hard. I've already made new friends in college, but of course it's not the same. Someone who has known you for a couple months can't compare to someone who has known you for years. But, time will make this better I guess...

mia youre totally right... nothing last forever. At least, I want to believe that. Because I have this paranoia that I'll always be alone.

Schmeg - I think youve mentioned this before, but where do you live in Indiana?
AtomicBono said:
Schmeg - I think youve mentioned this before, but where do you live in Indiana?

I call Broad Ripple home! :D

But, as you can see, my heart is in Boston right now. :wink:
I would say I'm generally happy....not counting the stuff I'm going through with my marriage/divorce.

I'm a person who wants to have a good time. I don't like just sitting around unless a good conversation, or great food is being served up. I used to be very shy around a lot of people, but with time and learning how to dress, I got a lot more comfortable.

I still don't like having to make the first move, but does anyone? I have been told I'm a great story teller, and when my friends are around, anytime a funny story is to be told, they go to me because of my ability to paint a very clear, and usually funny picture.

Most conversations around me will involve some sexual innuendo. It's the culture of friends I've been around, and it's the culture of friends I keep around. Naturally I won't bring it up if we're around people who don't like it (friends' wives).

I can pretty much watch anything on TV, so if I'm not doing my tkd, or just laying back on the weekend, I can pleasure myself quite easily *looks back on sentence...shrugs shoulders and moves on*

So yeah, long story short, I'm fairly happy.

p.s. Just don't smack your lips or scrape your fork across your teeth when you eat.
generally, I'd have to say yes. if I'm not, I normally either take time to myself or figure out a way to put myself in a better mood. I'm naturally a quiet person, have no problem spending time alone. but around friends and family and my fiance I do tend to open right up. I'm a worry-er kind of person which I'm trying to change a bit. but lately it's money and job stuff and wedding stuff. nothing too major.
Yeah, I'm generally a pretty optimistic and upbeat fellow. Even when life kicks me in the balls I try to look at the best cast scenario. :dance:
LemonMelon said:
Even when life kicks me in the balls I try to look at the best cast scenario. :dance:

I'm usually trying to push my sack out of my stomach, and then finding the little dirtbag that hit me there!

I'm generally ecstatic. Really, I am. Although today I did count 5, yes, 5, dickheads in a row in Blacktown, and I lost my feeling of explosive joy at the world. 5! If only they were the ducks gliding along one of those carnival skill shooting games. I might have ended up with a stuffed animal. Alas.

Seriously, my life is awesome. I love it.
I would say so yes. I guess I have a sort of laissez-faire, live in the moment, happy-go-lucky kind of attitude that grates on some people. On more than one occasion people have asked me: "Do you ever get angry? I've never seen you in a bad mood." or "Stop being so happy all the time, it's annoying!"

The truth is that I do get angry, frustrated, upset, sad and annoyed at things in everyday life. However, these feelings generally don't last very long and I'm back to my smiling, goofy self in no time at all.

I take pleasue in the simple things in life, and it's almost like—and I'm not ashamed to admit it— I have this child-like enthusiasm about things that I do. I get excited very easily over little things, but I've been told it's part of my charm.


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