Anton Corbijn Pictures!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Rock n' Roll Doggie FOB
Jun 22, 2001
Live from Boston
Where would we (and PLEBA) be without him?!






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i know most of these are repeats but seriously, who else could get Larry to do this:



:larry: :D

or make this video?

or *this* video...



Bono about Anton

Bono: "When we met him (Anton) in 1982, we didn't really understand the paraphernalia of rock'n'roll at all. I think he reacted to some sort of morality play going on in the group. We were going through a stage of wondering whether we even wanted to be in a group and I think he liked that confusion. I hate the word 'image', but he gave us a kind of visual strength we didn't have at that point".

Later that year U2 invited him to Sweden to do "the snow shot" on the inside sleeve of the war album.

In the Winter of '86 the band advanced him some money to research cover shot locations for an album to be titled either Desert Songs or The Two Americas.

"Three days" Anton recalls, "Drove to California, filmed all these deserts, flew to LA and showed it them. OK, made a plan. Flew to Nevada and all drove down in a big bus. After the first day's photographing, I said to Bono: 'Listen, I've seen these trees called Joshua trees - I've seen them with Beefheart - and they'd look great on the cover of your album'. Next morning he came down with the Bible and said: 'You're gonna have to photograph this tree! The album's got to be called The Joshua Tree! It's a great idea, Joshua Tree!' So we did it. I tried to take different pictures from their public image but, in the end, those pictures became their public image".

"They became the icons of the group", Bono agrees, "We had to be careful 'cos we'd go out on those photo sessions with Anton and he's very funny and we're very Irish and we'd be, you know, burning down the motel, and in the midst of all this madness there'd be a photograph taken and it would like we were on hunger strike! It's like 'say cheese' in reverse. With Anton it's like 'don't say cheese'. Plus it was freezing and we had to take our coats off so it would at least look like a desert. That's one of the reason we look so grim. But in the late '80s we looked like the group that was too dumb to enjoy being at Number 1 all over the world. So we shifted the focus for Achung Baby".

"We went out to the carnival in Santa Cruz", Anton
recalls, "But next morning there's this big meeting. Why are we here? What's the idea? We look stupid standing among all these people. I said: 'Why don't we go along with it? Get masks. Dress up as women. I asked a friend in England to get all the stuff together and she flew out the next morning with the dresses, masks and wigs. We had this great fun!".

Anton Corbijn: "I don't like being known as 'the U2 photographer' because I work with a lot of other people continuously. U2 are very good, but very demanding. Especially Bono because he always
wants to create new things but also not to let old things go. Adam is very interesting in the results, Larry is easily bored but easy to take, Edge always looks the same, that's why we've got him jumping on a single sleeve, Bono is quite hard to photograph because he has so many different faces but therefore is my favourite".

oooooooh I didn't know some of those pics were Antons. The guy is just amazing. I love the JT ones he took.
here's a photo of the man himself!

*hoping this works:


  • bonocorbijn_corbijn.jpg
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Whenever I think of Anton the first thing that comes in to my head is that bit on the JT video, where Adam is laughing at him for not being able to say Joshua tree.

Yoshua Tree, hee hee. :)
Jody said:
Whenever I think of Anton the first thing that comes in to my head is that bit on the JT video, where Adam is laughing at him for not being able to say Joshua tree.

Yoshua Tree, hee hee. :)

That part of the video is so cute ...
Oh yes there are more! I have Anton's photography book where one chapter features Bono.. it's great and I will scan some as soon as i get a scanner (there is a HOT Harley Davidson Tshirt Bono pic that I know Gina loves!)

Not to mention he did the Yoshua Tree ;) cover as well as the Achtung Baby album cover!







  • bonocorbijn1.jpg
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I think Anton did this


It's him we have to blame for this .... Bwahahah!

*memo to Anton ... take naked piccies of the other members of U2*
okay a few more, for some reason they are not showing up in the other post...



:drool: :drool: :drool:

this one is my all time favorite AB band pic!!!
Bono pics

Art in the foreground and art in the background. Re: to a pic of the master in OliveU2's thread, page one. Love the color, love the hair, love the man.
Anton is a great photographer, thanks for this thread Olive!

This is my favorite Larry pic ever (well, one of them!)


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adamswildhoney said:
Anton takes great pixs of the band! I wish that I could take good pixs like that!:lol:

I'd just settle for the opportunity to take photos like that...
oo Jesus bacon........!! He's taken a lot of my favorite pics, and I didn't even know!! Didn't he do the calendar pics too?
I think he took most of the calendar pics, not all of them though. I think the black and white ones are his and the colour ones are someone elses. I will check later.
Jody said:
I think he took most of the calendar pics, not all of them though. I think the black and white ones are his and the colour ones are someone elses. I will check later.

yes you are right! how could i forget about those! he did most of theshots for ATYCLB :)




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