Adam And Larry On Bravo Special

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Blue Crack Addict
Nov 30, 2002
Edge's beanie closet
As I was channel surfing early this AM :yawn:, I saw Adam Clayton on Bravo, so naturally I stopped!

It was a special called Music Behind The Scenes - The Chase, from 2001. It started at 6 AM, and I only saw it at 6:10, so maybe I missed some of A & L. The special was about sountracks to action movies, so MI was just a small portion of it.

They were talking about the MI soundtrack, and Larry said how he was a bit too young to remember the TV show, but he was very familiar w/ the MI music. He said it wasn't music to dance to, but music to "fall over to". He also looked GREAT :drool:, in a black t-shirt.

Adam talked about how they wanted to make their version something that would be played in clubs, w/ a dance element to it. He looked great also, wearing his purple shades and a green shirt.

Has anyone seen this show before? I did a quick search on the Bravo web site, but couldn't see that it will be replayed again.
I would love to see this. If you find out more post it please.
Did see 4 random shots of Bono last night on VH1's Red Carpet something or other. My roomate was watching and said "there's Bono". That's all it took.
Great!!!!!Just Great

:sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :mad: :mad: I dont have cable anymore so even if they show it over i wouldnt see it!!!!!Could my life be even more rotten that it already is?????
I don't have cable... and even when I did... there was nothing good on.
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