Actual dreams about setlists/concerts

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Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Jun 22, 2004
Polish-American Stronghold PA
I usually have vivid dreams that I remember pretty well. And with the tour going on I've had a couple concert dreams where I remember Setlists.

In this dream I was in GA right up next to the I stage. The was a bar between me and the stage and had a bottle of Bud light As I waited for the beginning of the show. They open with full band electric version of 'Ordinary Love', then full band EBW, Then Lykke Li comes out and they start doing a full-on Troubles. At this point I start eating a leftover porkchop I brought with me in a ziplock bag. Bono sees me and starts ranting at me mid-song about the pork-chop and gets me kicked out by security.

1.) Ordinary Love (full band)
2.) Every Breaking Wave ( full band/album version )
3.) Troubles w Lykke Li /snippet Bono yells at me for eating porkchop

Another dream I posted about last week was a set consisting of alternating Gloria and Your Blue Room 12 times.

And no I don't do acid before bed.
Good thread! I had a dream that the band only played one song, a cover of "Never Gonna Give You Up" by Rick Astley, and at the end of the song, Bono dropped the mic and the band walked off the stage.
My U2 concert dreams are either:

a) they are playing at a ridiculous and small place, like a dive bar. I am seated right up front, but I do not have my contacts in and I can't see. (In my dreams, I am almost completely blind without my glasses/contacts, even though that's not the case in real life.)


b) I am trying to get into the U2 concert, for which I have tickets, but cannot find the entrance to the arena/stadium.
- Another one from a couple weeks ago. Edge fell off the stage again. And Bono pulled me up on the E-stage to fill-in for him. (Haven't played guitar in years, and was never good at it) He's like you know Unforgettable Fire? I said yeah, for which I did not. Just as the nightmare scenario of ruining the concert was about to ensue. I wake up to much relief.

- A couple years ago, had a dream they were were playing some kind of lawn seating amphitheater. And I can remember looking at the back of their new CD before the show and some of the songs they were going to playing. They had names and it sounded like good U2 music. Almost an offshoot of Achtung in some parallel reality.

When I have a dream like that now I usually right down the gist of it on a note in my iphone before falling asleep again.
I dreamt I was telling someone "they'd better not drop Electric Co. by the time they get here" (Australia, sometime in 201X). Prove me wrong guys :waiting:
Had a dream of them in small club opening with Fez. I swear I've never heard them sounding better

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When I was younger, I was spending the night at my grandma's house and we watched Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Mary Poppins, and Sound of Music Anyways, that night I had nightmares about the movies and I somehow got all of the plots jumbled up into one. I still remember it vividly.
Still to this day I am confused about what actually happened in those movies.
One of them I remember is that some of that child kidnapper guy from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang's henchman stole the car and time travelled to Sound of Music and murdered Julie Andrews. It's always kind of disturbed me.
This had absolutely nothing to do with U2, but did I once have a dream that MacPhisto was the bad guy in Scooby Doo Meets Batman from the 1970's. Somehow, I was in the movie and MacPhisto and I were the only people who were not animated. He eventually kicked me in a pit and then I woke up. It was crazy.
No, I don't do acid.

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At this point I start eating a leftover porkchop I brought with me in a ziplock bag. Bono sees me and starts ranting at me mid-song about the pork-chop and gets me kicked out by security.

This made me laugh. Which is good because I was at work, not having fun.
I had a dream a few nights ago where I was in Chicago, running late to go to the concert for some reason, but somehow I had to cross a giant train depot to get to the United Center and I couldn't figure out how to get across without getting smooshed by a train. IT WAS SO HORRIBLE :sad:
- in the latest dream installment Bono said 'this is a song from a couple years back on ATYCLB called Virginia'. Crowd cheers. I'm thinking oh wow that coupled with the mid-tempo fun of North Carolina, and New York made what we interferencers jokingly called the monopoly board trio of the strong 2nd half of ATYCLB.

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I had this dream when the tour was about to open where U2 were promoting it by playing on a boat on this huge, wide river, and fans were swimming/wading along behind the boat. Think of the flatbed driving through NYC before the Vertigo tour, except in water, and that's pretty much it. So I'm in the water, following along, snapping pictures. Between songs, Bono reaches down for my camera, and looks at some of the pictures, and must have been impressed, because he asked me to put them together into a slide show with an appropriate piece of music, but admonished me not to use a whole complete song, because that would violate copyright laws, but to just use part of a song. So I was flipping through my music and found this amazing cover of Arcade Fire's Neighbourhood #3 (Power Out), and thought that would be perfect. It was a really raw, punkish, garage bandish cover, that does not exist as far as I know, but in my dream I could hear it clearly, and it was cool as shit. I remember waking up thinking "damn, I'm really great at arranging music in my sleep."
Dreamed last night they played Silver and Gold on the e-stage. Fuck.
Dreamed last night they played Silver and Gold on the e-stage. Fuck.

I don't get it. If I wrote a song as good as silver and gold, I'd sure as hell play it occasionally. You could say that about any hundred U2 songs, though.

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I had a dream several weeks ago (before my Chicago shows) that my husband and I were in GA during a U2 concert, and he got tired so he found a parking block on the outside of the floor to use as a pillow, laid down and went to sleep. I threatened divorce. I seem to remember the set list was a very strange combination of slow oddities- B-sides and such.
Dreamed about october being played for the first time since 1989 on the night that they played it...considering the timezone I guess it was approx at the same moment. pretty amazing.

hoping for dreams about two heart, sort of homecoming etc:drool:
- Another one from a couple weeks ago. Edge fell off the stage again. And Bono pulled me up on the E-stage to fill-in for him. (Haven't played guitar in years, and was never good at it) He's like you know Unforgettable Fire? I said yeah, for which I did not. Just as the nightmare scenario of ruining the concert was about to ensue. I wake up to much relief.


Nearly all of my concert dreams have to deal with finding out that one of my favorite bands is playing in my city at the last minute, then frantically trying to get tickets or get to the venue.
I had a dream last night that U2 played an acoustic cover of Scorpion's "Rock You Like A Hurricane" on the e stage. It was crazy.

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Had a dream the encore was to start with a cover of 'Run Like Hell'. Edge hit the first few notes and crowd went nuts ... But then there were some tech problems and they sent out the goofy bride-to-be from ' Coming to America ' to do a tribal language version of the song instead and it sucked bad.

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I had a dream last night that U2 played an acoustic cover of Scorpion's "Rock You Like A Hurricane" on the e stage. It was crazy.

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was that at Berlin venue?

I never dreamed about U2, but it'll be like a dream if U2 covers Metallica's Master of Puppets.
I dreamt once that I was reading setlists online and they were all different and somehow it made my life complete.

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I dreamt that there was a show in Geelong and I didn't know about it until it was too late to get there. They played 27 songs, the setlist was mostly the same (including Zooropa) except one song was a Duran Duran cover but the title of that song was Aphex Twin-style random number + letter gibberish. I went to have a shower to try to calm down about missing the only show that I'd be able to see for an indefinite length of time. (I guess U2 were only playing regional towns this time).
I dreamed last night that I had somehow missed the first half-dozen shows of a new leg and the setlists were wildly different with a bunch of song titles I didn't recognize (nor remember). I'm fairly certain I've had a very similar dream before (also before an important meeting). Not sure what it says that my anxiety dreams are about missing U2 setlists...
I had a dream last night that SOE got leaked onto the Internet. And "Morning after Innocence" was just Vertigo with the lyrics changed to that of The Miracle. I was so disappointed.

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Another U2 concert dream where my seats were in a place where you couldn't even see the stage. :|

But then a friend and I moved down to a better section, and the band played Oh Berlin, and I burst into tears.

I have never cried at a U2 concert in real life, for the record. Misty-eyed at the very most.
Had a U2 setlist dream night before last - was waiting for them to come on at the O2, but supporting them were Little Mix - who were late due to traffic. So U2 came on to give the crowd something to stop them getting restless, but wouldn't play any of their normal set until Little Mix had been on, so played 15 cover versions including "We built this city" and "Sweet dreams (are made of this)", and I was wondering whether this would count as one gig (and therefore with the "normal" set to come) and therefore easily the longest one they've ever done, or whether axver would count it as two separate shows :ohmy:

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